23 November 2023
Enemy At The Gates: McDonalds Marches To Wanaka.It’s the end of civilization as we know it. McDonald’s is coming to Wanaka – providing the development friendly local council gives them consent. What’s more, it will be the first building many [...]
21 November 2023
If we needed any more confirmation that way too many people in this country have lost their sense of humour and are constantly looking for a reason to be offended, look no further than the fiasco surrounding the new [...]
20 November 2023
The numerically bulging but educationally failing Ministry of Education doubles down. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is making moves to reduce or eliminate te reo in correspondence because the MFAT bosses believe the new government will [...]
19 November 2023
Does being an MP in your twenties signify great things ahead? The much underestimated Ronald Reagan was, befitting his career as a broadcaster and actor, a master of the put-down line. During a debate against Democratic opponent Walter Mondale [...]
9 November 2023
One Person, One Vote: Democracy's heartbeat under threat Downunder To slightly amend Schwarzenegger’s Terminator: “I’m back.” To be honest, this series of modest little essays and opinion pieces has been in abeyance for far longer than anticipated. There have [...]
3 November 2023
By Ananish Chaudhuri With power about to change hands, I see more and more commentary about how this election was somehow unfair. There was Rob Campbell, Chancellor of AUT pontificating in the Herald that this election was “bought”. Then [...]
31 October 2023
The answer is all to do with the pandemic treaty and climate lockdowns. By Kit Knightly The global elite plan to introduce a near-permanent “global state of emergency” by re-branding climate change as a “public health crisis” that is [...]
21 October 2023
By Kit Knightly A few days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine. But it’s also true that, in its thirteen [...]
18 October 2023
Prime Minister or Chief Restructuring Officer — only time will tell. By Thomas Cranmer, a.k.a. Philip Crump On Saturday New Zealand elected its 42nd Prime Minister, or did it? Only time will tell, but quite possibly the country has, [...]
17 October 2023
By Cam Slater In New Zealand politics, some alliances may seem unlikely at first glance. A case in point is the dilemma National faces right now. There has been plenty of animus between National and Winston Peters, with 30 [...]
13 October 2023
In the lead-up to the 2023 General Election, RCR has conducted over 200 political interviews. RCR has conducted over 200 interviews relating to local, national and international politics, including over 150 concerning our 2023 general election. In keeping with [...]
11 October 2023
By Ananish Chaudhuri In a recent article in the New Zealand Medical Journal, Michael Baker and his co-authors claim that New Zealand saved at least 20,000 lives from Covid death. This article has received a fair amount of media [...]
10 October 2023
By Chris Trotter GUYON ESPINER AND ANDREA VANCE kept casting glances towards Ruth Richardson, much as they would towards a batty old aunt. Indisputably, there was something deeply eccentric about Richardson’s performance on Saturday’s Newshub Nation. But, there was [...]
9 October 2023
Alex Holland 27 Sept 2023 In 2017 when Labour came to power, crown spending was $76 billion per year. Now in 2023 it is $139 billion per year, which equates to a $63 billion annual increase (over $1 billion [...]
3 October 2023
Voting Green would be a disaster for them and the country By Peter Williams This post comes from the other side of the world, the country which — as a hotel receptionist reminded us a couple of days ago [...]
28 September 2023
Random thoughts after a week away By Peter Williams London in the autumn is decidedly pleasant. Despite almost annual trips to the British capital from the late nineties till the onset of Covid, I don’t think I’ve been here [...]
27 September 2023
Alex Holland 15 Sept 2023 Race based special treatment rather than treatment based on need (for any ethnicity) is becoming a real issue. Two out of every three voters believe NZ has become more divided. Here are some of [...]
25 September 2023
This article is posted in memory of Chloe Wright who worked tirelessly to help new mothers and their babies have a better start in this big old world. Sadly, Chloe died over this past weekend and will be considerably [...]
11 September 2023
If he says he's not indigenous how can we disagree with him? By Peter Williams Winston Peters just won himself at least a couple more percentage points in the election race after his speech in Nelson yesterday. The ultimate [...]
10 September 2023
Alex Holland 5 Sept, 2023 Labour is attacking the person rather than playing the ball, maybe to distract from their achievements over the past 6 years: Multiple recessions under Labour in this term of government (2020 & 2023) and [...]
6 September 2023
You could at least say sorry By Peter Williams The Prime Minister has a cheek doesn’t he. He said on Monday that there was no compulsory Covid-19 vaccination. People, he said, made their own choices. Yesterday he doubled [...]
3 September 2023
By Dr Muriel Newman “There is this huge fraction of the population that has been brainwashed into thinking climate change is an existential threat to the planet… They are being deceived.” – Princeton University Emeritus Professor of Physics William [...]
2 September 2023
By Chris Trotter What are we to make of Chris Hipkins speech “Working With Others”? Ostensibly about unity, the Prime Minister’s address homes in on the two issues which, for the last three years, have divided New Zealanders the [...]
31 August 2023
COME IN CRANMER Blogger's identity revealed By Peter Williams Thomas Cranmer’s real identity has been blown. The lawyer and blogger and tweeter who has exposed many a scandal in the last year or so had one of his [...]
24 August 2023
By Marty Gibson As New Zealand inches uninspiringly nearer to the October 14th general election, many of us are still reeling from the collapse of medical and political ethics that politicians and mainstream media refuse to discuss. I have [...]
22 August 2023
By Olivia Pierson From the time that Donald J. Trump announced his serious intention to run for president in 2015 the world watched America's legacy media slide into the most vehemently mocking hate campaign toward one man that I've [...]