Why Support RCR?
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Become an RCR donor today and join thousands of other Kiwis making a difference. Every dollar helps strengthen our position to confront the mainstream narratives and give the truth its due airtime.
Records of private donations are confidential.

Bank Transfer Details
Account Number: 15-3953-0970595-10
NZ Media Holdings 2023 Ltd
Why Support RCR?
RCR is the fastest growing media platform in New Zealand because we boldly cover the issues the mainstream won't and we challenge the voices they don't.
This is only made possible because we are NOT beholden to powerful special interests. We proudly refuse to take government handouts nor do we accept advertising dollars that could be used to influence editorial decisions.
This means we cannot be coerced, censored or cancelled, but the flip side is we depend on you to help keep the wheels turning. The fact is a national radio station doesn’t come cheap. There are significant hard costs that go into making it all happen.
So if you value the uncompromising rational news we deliver over the infuriating special-interest funded narrative that dribbles from the legacy media, please consider chipping in to help keep RCR going strong.
We're here for you, so long as you’re there for us. We’re all in this together.
All donations large and small are greatly appreciated, and monthly commitments of any size help tremendously.
Thank you for your support.