Maria, Healthcare Workers, Sonographer. Auckland, NZ.
My name is Maria and I am a Sonographer. I was working in public and private at the time of covid. While other people were paid to stay home, I worked through.
I did not enjoy working as I was very unhappy about the treatment of patients. Protocols of quick scanning to reduce contact, also meant not enough care. Partners were not allowed to support pregnant women, even though they were in the same bubble. Regular outpatient work was stopped so waiting lists skyrocketed.
I had concerns of rights being violated with a covid app and a sense of unease.
I have 5 children. A little of each –
1. Oldest was working in a covid ward in London. She never caught covid in all the time she worked there so I was not really sure about how contagious this really was. She was told not to take the Pfizer vaccine if she had allergies as that was the one people reacted to most. When she wanted to get home she was stuck fighting the ballot system and could not get home for Christmas. She started working but then had to leave New Zealand due to mandates. That she had to leave her own country in order to work? How many other young people did we lose?
2. My son was living at home. Felt we all had to follow the system and we fell out, which was very hard.
3. My daughter was in London and caught covid March 2020. She was stuck out of NZ due to ballot system and finally home January 2022.
4. My daughter is training to be a nurse so was mandated to take vaccine. She had a reaction and then had mental health issues. We were in Auckland lockdown and were not allowed to visit. I was not given an exemption to travel even though she was at serious mental health risk.
5. My son was at school and struggled with mental health and not interested in studying on line. He had a heart condition which he had an operation for but was not allowed exemption for the vaccine, even though young males were reacting with myocarditis.
As a Sonographer, I immediately saw vaccine injuries so decided against the vaccine. Blood clots, post menopausal bleeding, lymphoedema etc. I was mandated out of my career, even though I was fine to work in the midst of the pandemic. I was fine one day and a biohazard the next!
I was one of the most experienced workers in the hospital and I considered I was a valued staff member. They lost my skills as well as knowledge and teaching for those training.
The mandate ignored so many of the human rights issues. The right to informed consent, the right to refuse medical treatment, the right to privacy.
Not only losing my job, but the vax pass meant I was not able to have a normal life. Excluded from many parts of society and treated like a second class citizen. Auckland council would not consider reducing rates even though they excluded us from libraries, swimming pools etc.
Due to the propaganda from the government and media, I was treated badly by some friends and family. Human rights eroded and ignored.
I was unable to work for over one year as, even when the vax pass was dropped, hospitals maintained the pass. Private practices were following the hospitals lead and not employing.
In many ways it is harder working now since coming back to work. I see so many unusual health conditions now that I rarely saw before. The numbers tell me these are likely vaccine injuries.
Mask wearing was also a matter I was concerned about. Having worked in healthcare for so many years, I was aware that masks did not work for viruses. To be told we had to all wear them was illogical and continued, even when research came out about the in effectiveness of them. Another violation of Rights.
My mother was living on her own and her health deteriorated with lockdowns. She is a social woman and liked going to church most days in the week. It was dreadful to stop her worshipping and not allowing her to go to church when other businesses were open. Effectively the right to worship was taken away from her. She does not have a computer or iPad so could not even have the Mass online.
Mental health was very bad for so many. One of my friends committed suicide and heard about so many others. Many seemed to be due to their businesses going bust from the lockdowns.
I have done much research now and seen we were failed from the start. The vaccine was never safe or effective. In fact, it was never tested for efficacy. The drugs that may have helped like ivermectin were banned.
I feel I have been lied to from the outset. But worse was to come. I found out that 11,000 people from the DHBs were given special exemption to work. So who were they and why were they given them when others lost their jobs or those that were forced to have the vaccine and were injured?
I feel we have been lied to from the outset and New Zealand will never come back to any semblance of normality until there is some accountability and apology for wrongdoing.
Maybe in the beginning there was some uncertainty but we ignored our pandemic preparedness policy and went for draconian measures instead. This was always a respiratory virus and the zero policy was always going to fail. The Great Barrington Declaration was written by some very knowledgeable and qualified people to show there was a better way to go about minimising risk while keeping the economy running and also keeping healthy people running as normal a life as possible.
From the start, covid was affecting elderly and people with comorbidities. Keeping those safe and others working was the best cause for a healthy society. Locking down healthy people was never in any plan before.
Instead we followed a random traffic light system which never followed what was happening in the country. For example, we went straight to level 4 which should only have been when there was widespread spread in the country.
Lockdowns violated our rights. The obvious economic results speak for themselves. But the emotional ones are there too. Mental health is a serious consequence as is the effect of fear in a person's psyche.
The propaganda used by the government and media to gain control of the people has caused a major rift in the country. Governments should not be able to use psychological warfare on its own people.
That the government was able to influence the media, churches, unions etc, says there is a whole lot of money being used to influence them.
I would like to know how much money was given to these entities to work with the government and against the people. For instance, how much money was given to the churches to instigate vax passes? How much money was given to unions to back the government and not the workers? Why were nursing and medical authorities not interested in body autonomy but rather in censoring and banning doctors and other medical people who spoke for informed consent? How much money went to Maori and what was it spent on? Is there any accountability for what the money was spent on? How much money was spent on advertising? How much was spent in bribes? Bribes to coerce people into taking the vaccine and bribes to silence those who lost family members from harm? How much to convince the so called ‘experts' to make outlandish claims that were so off the mark. We can think of the modelling that was so wrong, Michael Baker spouting off about the need for mask wearing after telling us prior they were not effective.
New Zealand had the ability to watch and learn for other countries but we didn't. Why did we not look at data coming out of Israel showing lack of safety of vaccines before we took them on? Why can we not see the contract with Pfizer and what we paid and the conditions imposed?
Why was early treatment banned? Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine etc.
Why were masks forced on us when we already knew they were ineffective at best, but with dangers due to breathing in microplastics as well as the obvious psychological issues in mask wearing. Mask wearing is a medical treatment as such and was forced upon a nation – an obvious breaking of human rights.
Why were vaccines mandated????
Vaccines for a respiratory virus were never likely to work and many doctors speaking of the real harms were ignored. We now have many issues due to the fact mandates happened. Vaccine injuries and death, loss of trust in the government and the health authorities, vaccine hesitancy for all vaccines, a work force crumbling due to some great staff walking away due to the policy.
Why were vaccines introduced, knowing they were new, but not having a robust surveillance of safety and efficacy? Once it was obvious, why did the mandates still go ahead? The Ministry of Health knew transmission was never tested so therefore a vaccine was only ever for the person taking it. Why then a mandate! Why tell us we were going to kill granny?
Knowing the vaccines were new, why were we not following the results carefully for warning signs of safety and efficacy? Medsafe had a huge increase in adverse effects reported but were ignored. Where was the agency protecting its citizens? Why did healthcare itself medically gaslight those injured? So many stories of people told they were imagining their injuries, not treated properly, denied by ACC. This is insult to those injured to be treated the way they were.
Why were we trusting PCR tests when even the creator of them stated they were not for this type of testing? If we really had to test, why were rat tests not brought in earlier?
Why were lockdowns used for a respiratory virus? Why did we have ridiculous rules like masks had to be worn when standing but not sitting?
So many inconsistencies and the government continued on with the propaganda.
Where was the police and judiciary and why have they become corrupt?
When the Wellington protest happened, some of the police were particularly violent to the citizens and they were never held to account. Instead, they policed themselves. This should be a criminal matter.
Then the judges were shown to be corrupt in their rulings. It has become obvious that government agencies throughout have been bought and paid for.
Wellington protest happened and no politician in parliament was willing to talk. This should never happen. Politicians are paid by the people but would not talk to them. This should never happen again.
I still feel trauma every time I think of what happened in Wellington. It showed a complete disregard for the citizens of the country.
When are we going to look into increased death rates and excess mortality? This cannot be swept under the carpet any more. Why are we hiding it and why are we not giving warning to the people?
I cannot believe so many of our human rights were violated at this time and I hope will never happen again.
The right to informed consent.
The right to refuse medical treatment.
The right to medical privacy.
The right to work.
The right to gather and worship.
The right to speak freely.
The right to privacy.
There have been many traumas throughout these last 4 years. Losing a career, losing friends and family, betrayal of our government and government agencies. Particular mention of the Human Rights Commissioner who should have been protecting us.
As well as this, the people perpetuating this trauma on the people have not been held to account. In fact, some have been given knighthoods.
I would hope that we learn to keep well clear of the WHO, WEF and UN.