22 April 2024
A large part of the success of Western civilisation was that our European ancestors saw fit to mount an enormous civil war during the Reformation and Counter Reformation to defang Catholic theocracy during the pernicious times of the Inquisition. [...]
8 April 2024
Enough is enough Here’s a name that isn’t published or broadcast much these days — Julian Assange. Fourteen years ago he was one of the most famous people in the world. That was after the online publisher he founded, [...]
5 April 2024
All votes must be of equal value Some politicians just don’t get the concept of democracy. That every New Zealander, citizen and resident, gets to cast a vote of equal value in central and local government elections has to [...]
18 March 2024
The declining fortunes of the mainstream media has been dominating the news over recent weeks. The industry is waning, and the weaker players are facing closure. While this is grim for those who face job loss and financial uncertainty, [...]
15 March 2024
What was that judge thinking? That Golriz Ghahraman and District Court Judge Maria Pecotic were once lawyer colleagues is incontrovertible. There is published evidence that they took at least one case to the Court of Appeal together. There [...]
4 March 2024
Why can't he show strength against the media onslaught? Our media just do not like Christopher Luxon. But of all the issues they could and should be attacking him on, the nonsense over his accommodation allowance is about as [...]
3 March 2024
Economics 101 explains why Newshub Bankrupted — it was the fault of its own journalists who should recognise they were the architects of their own demise. A thousand books and papers in economics and business strategy are about the [...]
29 February 2024
Could anything have saved it? The real surprise is not that Newshub is going under but that it’s lasted this long. TV3 started broadcasting in November 1989, almost 35 years ago. It was a different era. There was no [...]
20 February 2024
Unless you were present to hear the Prime Minister deliver his State of the Nation speech on 18 February it was difficult to get the full speech. Chris Luxon mailed out only a few bullet points. TV One promised [...]
19 February 2024
Thirty billion dollars ($30,000,000,000) is a mind-boggling amount of money. That sum could buy dozens of new kindergartens or police stations or whole hospitals with medical schools. It could eliminate poverty or overhaul our decrepit education system. It could [...]
9 February 2024
Three years ago a friend of mine who’s a District Court Judge asked me if I would be guest speaker at the annual DCJ shindig, scheduled that year for the Hilton in Taupo. Despite a feeling of significant intellectual [...]
29 November 2023
By Dr Muriel Newman We are witnessing a remarkable turnaround in New Zealand politics. The Coalition agreement entered into by National, ACT and New Zealand First reflects the first three-party coalition deal in our country’s history. Democracy can be [...]
27 November 2023
Like 52.8 percent of those who voted, my ticks went to change the government. The process to get the special votes counted and a governing Coalition agreed to was more than a bit cumbersome but now that all the [...]