In early 2024, NZ's Royal Commission into Covid asked for public feedback on the scope of its inquiry.


In response, RCR put forward The People's Terms, demanding an independent, comprehensive, and targeted set of terms that fundamentally redefine how the inquiry should operate and what will be reviewed.

Over 33,000 signatures were received in support of the Terms, seeking a full-scale, wide-ranging public inquiry into NZ's Covid response. Without one, nothing will stop future government abuses of fundamental human rights. These signatures have been delivered to government by way of a formal petition.

Alongside the People's Terms, we asked Kiwis to share their stories of the Covid years with us so that we could shine a light on them. Although a limited opportunity was provided to share one's story with the Commission, there is, as yet, no sign of these stories being made public. Hundreds of people responded to our request to share.

Here are their stories.

  • The name I supplied above is false, because I still feel very unsafe sharing this information for fear of professional repercussions. (New Zealand Medical [...]

  • Professionally employed as a doctor since 1985. Last held a practising certificate in 2011. Have not practised clinical medicine since. Founded and ran a [...]

  • As soon as the borders opened in 2021 my wife and I travelled to Australia to see our daughter and first grandchild. We booked [...]

  • I would like the inquiry to know that I suffered absolute devastation! My sister, Cass (was a teacher), is dead because of the Governments [...]

  • Throughout my story I will share some of the consequences of New Zealand's pandemic response, how I felt at the time and still feel [...]

  • My 87 year-old mother died alone during the second big lockdown in a Rest Home in Tauranga. She had spent the last 18 months [...]

  • Senior Registered Nurse & Anaesthetic Technician - terminated from Air Ambulance and Specialist Theatre Anaesthetic support role despite having indicated I would accept Novavax [...]

  • I lost my job due to mandates enforced by the government, I wouldn't get a vaccine due to my health condition, which I am [...]

  • There was enough evidence in 2020 to show that the NZ covid response was excessive and unwarranted. Reasons detailed in my submission (1) to [...]

  • The previous government's covid measures have completely changed my life. I am no longer the person I was before 2020. I no longer enjoy [...]

  • My wife and I live in Featherston. I have five children all vaccinated my wife has two both vaccinated. My wife's eldest son is [...]

  • The COVID-19 enquiry - where do I start on this? The negative effects of the lockdowns over the 2020 to 2022 will be long [...]

  • Regarding: Injury to my Step-son following his second Covid vaccination on August 13th 2021 and my loss of paid work supporting him and his [...]

  • I was mandated out of my positions from Playcentre NZ (PC). Some background about me in this organisation is that as a 19 year [...]

  • Our family of 5 have all suffered consequences for our "choice" not to be vaccinated. Our stance was made very public when we had [...]

  • I loved teaching and it had been my life, love and passion for 26 years. This is never the way I thought I would [...]

  • When the pandemic was first announced I reacted like most and went into protection mode, masks, gloves, and fear. I watched the news attentively [...]

  • My story - Covid vaccine mandates As of November 2021 I was a Resource Teacher of Learning & Behaviour (RTLB) holding a Masters of [...]

  • Initially (2020), because of staying with elder parents at the time and baring all symptoms, approached the local testing station for a test, assuming [...]

  • Vaccines can be deadly

  • I have a legitimate and undeniable medical reason for an exemption of both vaccines and mask wearing by a Professor of Haematology applied to [...]

  • I was fired from my job with Auckland Council after 6 years of service for refusing the covid vaccine. I refused firstly because it [...]

  • During the first lockdown of March 2020, I started experiencing symptoms of blurred vision and flashing lights in my right eye. As I could [...]

  • It was from day one a completely see through you the whole setup of the plandemic. Not only here in NZ but also in [...]

  • I am a 53 yr old New Zealand with a wife and two children, who returned home to New Zealand from London UK in [...]

  • Hair still grows regardless - sure I can cut it myself - a friend cut my hair - she was more afraid of the [...]

  • I flew out of Australia on the eve of lockdown, having been on my way to Thailand via Melbourne, but with flights cancelled, had [...]

  • I have a coot if the FULL New Zealand Data from all of the Medical Clinics & Make shift Carpark administration Nuremberg CODE 2 [...]

  • After my wife was in a care home Yvette Williams, the rules were introduced to have a pass otherwise I would not be allowed [...]

  • I was mandated out of my job as a Support Worker after nearly 5 years with HealthcareNZ Community Care. During the last month of [...]

  • I was one of thousands of people including many fellow pensioners who had been cut off from seeing family by the crazy travel bans. [...]

  • As a family, we had a number of health issues that would be necessary to weigh up the risk for taking the novel mRNA [...]

  • My experience of the pandemic began much like of those of all NZers - understanding why we needed to go into lockdown while "we [...]

  • This story is about my what my family had to endure during the government lies, deceit and coercion by government to push toxic untested [...]

  • I was working in an Early Childhood centre when the mandates were forced upon us. I was sent an email that outlined what the [...]

  • Forced to vaccinate to provide for my family.

  • I am struggling with physical ailments and injuries which i feel derived from the vaccine and my health conditions which never been truely identified [...]

  • My concerns with the Covid response are based on a previous experience. Following my then Wife, EA, a New Zealand registered nurse poisoning me [...]

  • I was a registered nurse who avoids GMO's in my diet and did not agree with having an injection to genetically modify my DNA [...]

  • Being on warfarin had a clot, and MI, also totally ruined aortic valve. Prior to the first booster had been living a decent life [...]

  • Apartheid The implementation of apartheid based on vacation "status" effected every aspect of my life. Some long time friends turned to me with hatred. [...]

  • I was fired from Hilton Haulage for not taking the 'jab'. Cannot find permanent employment as I tell perspective employers the truth of my [...]

  • I give a resounding "Never ever" to anyone silly enough to ask me if Ive had any Cv Vxs. Why? The list is very [...]

  • My great grand daughter was mandated into isolation with a man who murdered her during the mandate placed on my whanau. We the whanau [...]

  • I was fired from my job because I refused the experimental mRNA vaccine jab cause the company brought out a policy and want some [...]

  • Our pregnant kiwi daughter had great difficulty visiting us in NZ and was in a room with no opening windows. She was given inadequate [...]

  • In August 2020, I was working as a clinical typist at the hospital in Wellington, and my work was so good and so appreciated [...]

  • In short, our neighbour died in our arms less 48 hours after her first jab. She was 73, an avid gardener who periodically did [...]

  • Having realised from the beginning of that pandemic that it was in fact a plandemic, my senses kicked into overdrive. To protect ourselves & [...]

  • Forcefully vaccinated ! Suffering from a inguinal hernia and unable to do anything strenuous , I was booked to go for a surgery during [...]

  • My husband threatened to end our marriage of over 30 years if I didn't get jabbed and thereby be able to travel internationally. [...]

  • We were informed that the vaccine was tested and safe, which turned out to be a lie. Restrictions on work, Lockdowns, Social distancing and [...]

  • My story is of loss. I lost clients. My Practice lost a large amount of income because I was mandated. I I would not [...]

  • I have never had a flu jab, it is against my principles. I was not worried about the flu pandemic believing my immune system [...]

  • The whole 'thing' from go to now - it has NEVER stopped; we are STILL being offered covid boosters!!! and it has just been [...]

  • My husband and I both lost our jobs because we refused to get vaccinated. He was a groundsman at the Hospital and I was [...]

  • I have not met a government that wants to kill you. The reason for vaccination is to shut you up and probably will kill [...]

  • Hello, thank you for the opportunity for me to share my lived experiences. The overblown, disproportionate measures such as lockdown and the border closure [...]

  • I have suffered 4 years of insults from strangers, friends, family, colleagues, employers, local government, central government, and most of all from the media. [...]

  • Introduction: This submission aims to articulate professional and personal experiences and observations regarding the government's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. It specifically addresses the [...]

  • My experience with Covid-19 was: My wife and I monitored the international rhetoric and NZ Govt updates with the intention of being open to [...]

  • My wife was a very fit woman attending dance classes / gym classes around 5 times a week. She was very healthy and very [...]

  • I'd like to tell you my unpleasant experience with the covid vaccine, which the government said was, 'safe and effective'. Two weeks after the [...]

  • I would like to have a chance for my voice to be heard by the Royal Commission with my experience of what went on [...]

  • Never got the vaccine never have had covid. Covid19 = certificate of vaccine identification 2019.

  • I have rheumatoid arthritis and was denied an exemption from vaccination which health professionals were aware I would probably react to as I had [...]

  • Having been ordered to take the covid 19 vaccine, and choosing not to do so ( as was my right under the Universal Declaration [...]

  • Is this a Case of the Emperor's New Clothes? My opinion piece written and published on Linked In 8th December 2021. The personal approach [...]

  • Sacked or should l say layed off from my job for not taking the Jab ... put into hardship for not taking a dangerous [...]

  • 1: After having my 2nd injection on the 19/12/2021, I immediately felt unwell and spent 2 -3 hours waiting for my heart rate to [...]

  • This is my experience and observations during the Covid pandemic from March 2020 Way The Lockdown Was Introduced On TV: I was round at [...]

  • My prior C19 profession post mandated vaccines enabled my employer to move on staff if you thought contrary to what was being implemented by [...]

  • One dose vaccine - 6 weeks later bleeding from bowel- bowel cancer diagnosis. Removed March 22. Before that no health issues. Fit/ slim/ vegetarian. [...]

  • 1) Lockdowns I found the lockdown rules extremely unfair and unjust, and unnecessary. As a vaccine free person, I could not attend my Line [...]

  • During lock down my brother lost his battle with cancer. What compounded our grief, was because of the restrictions we could not have a [...]

  • The current Covid enquiry recalled the event as I experienced it while living in Tasmania. Compared to the Draconian measures imposed by the New [...]

  • Since the lockdowns my business has been destroyed. Because of Labours unnecessary lockdowns many businesses have gone under. The country now is in a [...]

  • As soon as I saw the massive advertising campaign for getting a COVID vaccination I new the government had seriously lost the plot. All [...]

  • I researched the Covid19 vaccination process and was very concerned that it had not been subjected to the trials that any other vaccine has [...]