In early 2024, NZ's Royal Commission into Covid asked for public feedback on the scope of its inquiry.


In response, RCR put forward The People's Terms, demanding an independent, comprehensive, and targeted set of terms that fundamentally redefine how the inquiry should operate and what will be reviewed.

Over 33,000 signatures were received in support of the Terms, seeking a full-scale, wide-ranging public inquiry into NZ's Covid response. Without one, nothing will stop future government abuses of fundamental human rights. These signatures have been delivered to government by way of a formal petition.

Alongside the People's Terms, we asked Kiwis to share their stories of the Covid years with us so that we could shine a light on them. Although a limited opportunity was provided to share one's story with the Commission, there is, as yet, no sign of these stories being made public. Hundreds of people responded to our request to share.

Here are their stories.

  • My experiences during the pandemic can be summarized by the word violation. That is to say a violation of my human rights, and the [...]

  • I call on our National-led government to discard, in its entirety, the previous Labour government's terms of reference and appointments of the inquiry's leading [...]

  • March '20, being locked down, told not to go to work, told not to travel unless essential, told to keep our distance from people [...]

  • I worked for NZ Police during the time of Covid... I worked for them a total of 4.5 years spanning before and after. I [...]

  • The first lock down on March 26th 2020 was way too severe, done too quickly and without any proper thought and planning .Only two [...]

  • My friend KM with whom I used to run got the jab. Ten days later he just dropped dead. My friend SG with whom [...]

  • As a former nurse, health practitioner, researcher, tertiary educated political scientist/industrial relations specialist and free thinking proponent of non-allopathic modalities, I am extremely knowledgeable, [...]

  • Dear team at New Zealand Royal Commission Covid 19 Lessons Learned, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell my story. I trained [...]

  • The year I started studying (2020) is the year New Zealand's most incompetent and dictatorial government of all time got their grubby little hands [...]

  • I still carry the feeling of being ostracized for not choosing to take the jab. Shut out of my beloved gym, cafes, told I [...]

  • I was made redundant from a cafe job, because the cafe could barely operate due to no tourism industry. My whole town was badly [...]

  • In March 2020,I had planned an overseas trip for months to visit my family in the States in May. I had booked flights, train [...]

  • My freedom was impacted by closing our churches. I was unable to receive holy communion which is vital food for my spirituality and beliefs. [...]

  • After my first covid injection I developed shingles. After my second covid injection I was diagnosed with Pleural Parenchymal infiltrate and ground glass density [...]

  • Mandated out of job for 9 months. Followed by the trembling of Mortgage Interest. Lovely...!!

  • Mine is perhaps familiar to many where I saw immediately the staged events in so called Wuhan with people dropping to the ground and [...]

  • In 2019, when the sense of a pandemic began to grow, I recall thinking how unlucky we were to have this disaster in our [...]

  • I fought tooth and nail against having the MRNA experimental and only provisionally approved Covid vaccine. Sadly I caved when I was isolated from [...]

  • Unable to work as I refused this bio weapon. Loss of earnings. Psychological damage from constant mind contrl propaganda. Isolated from having a normal [...]

  • My oldest son was banned from education at the Southern Institute of Technology for not being injected. Here their letter: "As of 11 February [...]

  • My REQUEST and Terms of Reference Having read and heard much of the debate on numerous media platforms- which no doubt included Government (Gvt) [...]

  • A Revolting Peasant First of all, I need to say that I am not vaccine-injured. That's not to say I am not injured. I [...]

  • I argue that the government's response to the threat of "pandemic" was excessive and an abuse of human rights. It would have been better [...]

  • When I was still employed with the fire service I had a medical issue while completing my Physical competency test; I had to do [...]

  • I was mandated for my job as hairdresser to get the vaccine. I got the first one which was fine, I had no reaction, [...]

  • Soon after receiving my Covid vaccine does in August 2021, September 2021 and February 2022 four changes affecting my health became evident. In between [...]

  • I refused to be vaccinated for the covid during 2021 and because of that was mandated out of the Kaitaia Swimming Pool for that [...]

  • I decided not to have the vaccine. Not (at first) because of any mistrust or political reasons, but because I have not taken any [...]

  • I had spent a lot of time, effort and expense growing a self-employed videography business. This came to a complete halt when lockdowns stopped [...]

  • When we first heard about covid lockdowns we were a working family with boarders, going about our everyday lives. We had decided to support [...]

  • On the 15th November 2021, I was sacked from my 18-year teaching career and passion, because I refused to comply with the Order to [...]

  • Was banned from bowling club no jab pass; I could not play bowls. Sister passed away cancer.

  • In 2016, my wife and I separated. Due to various reasons beyond my control, our children's on-going Permanent Residence Visa applications were cancelled. My [...]

  • We were isolated from family. Many members of our family and friends were coerced into receiving the injection or to loose their jobs and [...]

  • Social division and "othering": After the 2nd lockdown, once it had resumed operating (under restrictions), & while I was engaged in preparing coffee for [...]

  • Both our children's education was affected: - younger daughter (17) was not able to finish the last school year 13 - elder daughter (20) [...]

  • The use of lockdowns made no sense at all. Locking up perfectly healthy people, shutting schools where for the more at risk children is [...]

  • Hello, thanks for the opportunity to share my story. I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent and was listening to numerous friends and family [...]

  • In addition to my story (which I've just submitted) the following are the stories written by my 3 children... Master 13: I am 13 [...]

  • My working mandate story: I work in Auckland but live between Paeroa and Thames on our dairy farm, when the gene therapy so called [...]

  • We had a small rural family-run campground and obviously our income tanked during the first lockdown and travel restrictions thereafter. This pushed us to [...]

  • A few of my family (and me!)... were firmly opposed to being vaccinated for covid. So we were "let go" from our respective employers... [...]

  • I have doctor certificate showing tinnitus blurry vision and blood welts on right eardrum this has cost us hundreds on vitamins in hope of [...]

  • I was a social worker for disability support link at Waikato. I was mandated to vaccinate. I refused and lost my job. The way [...]

  • How was I affected personally by the measures put in place by the Government after the WHO declared a SARS 2-19 Covid pandemic of [...]

  • We were business owners of a small country pub. We had taken it from a rundown pub, to a thriving, community hub, in 3yrs. [...]

  • Father in care facility dying of natural causes As I'm not vaxxed, do covid test every time I visit. A nurse there decides I'm [...]

  • Travel restrictions, social distancing and mask wearing mandates, contributed to the breakdown of my role as Education Co - Ordinator and facilitator for the [...]

  • This submission is not intended to criticise government action in what was an emergency situation and in which there were was a unique opportunity [...]

  • The onset of lockdowns coincided precisely with my husband concluding a contract, thrusting us into a state of financial uncertainty as he searched for [...]

  • I'd like to tell you my unpleasant experience with the covid vaccine, which the government said was 'safe and effective'. Two weeks after the [...]

  • I originally felt safe in NZ and thought the government was collecting data from around the world while we sat safely in our bubble [...]