Covid Inquiry Action Items >>

Covid Inquiry Action Items >>

Have you?

1. Provided Your Feedback to the Commission indicating your support for The People's Terms to be used as the defining scope for the Covid Inquiry? (Most important & only takes less than 1 minute)

2. Shared Your Story with the Commission explaining your personal experience and/or hardship that came as a result of the governments response to the covid pandemic?

3. Spread the Word! Let your friends and family know about The People's Terms.

Time remaining to have your say!

ACTION ITEM 1: Provide Feedback (Most Important)

ACTION ITEM 1: Provide Feedback (Most Important)

Provide your feedback on the terms of reference for the Covid Inquiry at the Commission's Website. Watch video for “copy and paste” instructions.
(estimated time required: 1 Minute)

Download The People's Terms of Reference here: Word | PDF

I support the adoption of The People's Terms as set out at to be the extended and full terms of reference for the inquiry.

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ACTION ITEM 2: Share Your Story

ACTION ITEM 2: Share Your Story

Share your story with the Commission explaining your personal experience and/or hardship that came as a result of the governments response to the covid pandemic? Watch video and use our “sample template” below to make the process quick and easy.

Download our Story Guide template here Word | PDF

(If your story refers to adverse events from the Covid-19 vaccine, after you've shared your story with the Commission, you can also share it with The Health Forum to amplify its reach).

Even More Reasons To Sign The People's Terms

ACTION ITEM 3: Spread the Word!

ACTION ITEM 3: Spread the Word!

Let others know about The People's Terms by sharing this blurb and our graphics below with them today.

Hey there! Check out this website It helps us have our say on the government's Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Covid lockdowns etc. This is our chance to be heard and to make sure it can't happen again. We only have a short time so check it out today.

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Print & Deliver Flyers

Print & Deliver Flyers

Let others know about The People's Terms by delivering flyers in your neighbourhood.

Click on a flyer image below to download the PDF file, available in colour and black and white for printing.