The Chantelle Baker Show
The Chantelle Baker Show focuses on presenting stories that the country’s mainstream media are ignoring, and analysing the stories they are covering to expose the inconsistencies.
Chantelle Baker
Chantelle is a conservative commentator and one of New Zealand’s most well-known live-streamers. She is passionate about freedom of speech and facilitating truthful, robust public conversations.
Chantelle came to prominence during the Parliament Protest in 2022 when her livestreams garnered hundreds of thousands of views, considerably more than mainstream media coverage.
Her social media broadcasts on various platforms regularly reach over 100,000 combined views per week.
She has formed her own media entity: Operation People. She and her team focus on capturing stories and perspectives of real people, without the influence of government funding.
​You can find Chantelle on Operation People here:
Listen to our handpicked selection of interview highlights from this show and be sure to share them with your friends, family, and colleagues. A full playlist of all interviews can be found here.