How to update content on this page to feed through to the Web app.

Three banner sections have been setup and other content may be specified in future.

  1. Top Banner – recommend 1150px x 110px (mobile 390px x 110px) – thinner banner used for important Notifications etc
  2. Mid Banner – recommend 1150px x 350px (mobile 390px x 420px) – to feature latest campaign/promotional item(s)
  3. End banner – recommend 1150px x 350px (mobile 390px x 420px) – ideally to feature our key proposition (e.g. Trust in Media > Sign up to Bites)

The banners require the following classes on the outer container to insert them into the Web App:

  • rcr-banner – to specify banner type content
  • rcr-top, rcr-mid, or rcr-end to specify the position
  • rcr-mobile on the image of mobile images (or mobile in the image file name)

To remove it from the Web app, either delete the container or remove the above classes.

A brand coloured background can also be applied by entering:

  • bg-teal
  • bg-yellow
  • bg-orange
  • bg-white
  • bg-black (this is the default)
Gene Tech - action banner
Gene Tech Mobile Banner
RCR Delivers on Trusted Media
Media Trust Mobile Banner 390x420px