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“[I]f angels fight,/ Weak men must fall, for heaven still guards the right.” 

-Shakespeare’s Richard the II, spoken just before the King realises that his kingdom has been lost. 

Well I’ve never seen a man who is blessed with a more powerful guardian angel, than President Trump. He came so close to death on Saturday at the rally in Pennsylvania, and the Secret Service clearly failed him. It was no thanks to them that he survived that first volley of shots, it came down to a random turn of his head. Then he dropped down to the ground before his bodyguards covered him and got him out. Thankfully a SWAT team sniper took down the shooter. 

For someone like me who has followed Trump’s dramatic foray into politics eagerly over the last nine years, I can only say that I am not surprised by what happened last Saturday, although I do remain thoroughly disgusted that his murder, in the minds of some, is a strategy to stop him from winning another election. 

Trump has had nothing from the political environment except demonisation. 

From the moment he came down that Trump Tower escalator with Melania to announce his candidacy in 2015, the pitch of political discourse became febrile and the whole media machine throughout the entire world mocked, derided, abused and defamed him — every single day and every night. 

Yet, I watched him become a powerful and deeply effective President as his enemies indulged in every psychodrama they could think of — from false sex assault allegations, to impeachment trials, Russia collusion and insurrection charges for January 6th. But none of it worked. So, he stalwartly tried again for a third time, this time being subjected to even more hostilities via weaponised lawfare so his political opponents could besmirch him as “a convicted felon” throughout the election.

But his favourable poll numbers just keep growing higher. Only a few weeks ago we watched him try to do a debate with Biden where the world saw the truth of Biden’s very real brain damage — and a coup within the Democrat party was put into motion, led by Obama. 

Hubristically, a whole bunch of Hollywood actors spurred on by George Clooney, voiced their vapid opinions in the mistaken notion that the world gives a hoot in hell about actors’ political urges. The Democrats were in free fall as the party looked to be collapsing in on itself, just months out from the coming election. 

Then, lo and behold, an attempt on Trump’s life suddenly occurred. 

The media spin is telling us it was a lone wolf shooter, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks who seems to have the usual profile: friendless, funny-looking, social outcast, gun nut. Well, if anyone believes this lone wolf theory then I have a big new shiny bridge to sell you at cost. 

The Secret Service is responsible for the security of these rallies. They send in advance teams to do a survey and then request the resources from HQ in Washington DC that the team suggests are needed. 

The fact that at the rally venue, there was an unsecured open rooftop, with a ladder, only 150 metres away from Trump’s podium position is unheard of, if you listen to people who know how to do the job, such as Dan Bongino, who used to be a Secret Service agent. Bongino told Fox News that “we are trained out to a thousand yards with the Secret Service counter sniper team, how did they miss someone only one-fifth of the way there in broad daylight on a white roof?” 

Bongino also said that he knows for a fact that the Trump team have been asking the Service for more resources — that have been rebuffed. A Secret Service spokesperson claimed that this is a false claim. Bongino said it is not a false claim and that there needs to be proper congressional and oversight hearings into how the Service so catastrophically failed not only Donald Trump but also the others who were shot, one of them to death — 50-year-old much loved husband and father, Cory Comperatore.

Many people saw the shooter crawling around on the rooftop with his AR-15… they alerted police well before he was even set up and able to shoot off any rounds. 

Josh Hawley, Republican Senator for Missouri has written a letter to the Senate Homeland Security Committee demanding an immediate full investigation into the massive security failure that resulted in an attempt on President Trump’s life — and the murder of an innocent American. 

The letter reads: 


Although we still do not have all the facts, the little that we do know suggests a staggering security failure.

…I call on you to launch a full, public, and comprehensive committee investigation into this assassination attempt and failures to adequately protect the former president. This investigation must include public testimony, hearings, and robust oversight over the relevant federal departments as they respond to this assassination attempt. Sworn testimony must be heard from Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. Nothing should be classified or withheld from the public.

End quote. 

The last thing Republican leaders want now is another JFK-style coverup with the real facts of the intelligence agencies being classified and hidden from the public for the next 60 years.

 After Trump was inaugurated as President in 2017, it became a common occurrence for dumb celebrities to openly fantasise about his assassination — even just off the top of my head I can bring to mind several examples: tasteless comedian Kathy Griffin holding up a severed Trump head dripping with blood while ISIS was rampaging through Syria and Iraq beheading people in real time. 

Johnny Depp at the Glastonbury festival saying — while off his face on drugs — “when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” This said to great laughter and whoops from a zombified crowd of utter morons. 

Madonna admitting at a Women’s March while wearing her pussy hat that she had “thought long and hard about blowing up the Whitehouse.” Even though we don’t expect much sense out of her plastic head, the bimbo foolishness of that statement said publicly was quite shocking.

There was even a New York City production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar which had Caesar dressed up as a Donald Trump lookalike, with wig, suit and red tie as he was stabbed to death on the senate floor. These expressed fantasies about Trump’s death became commonplace, normalising talk of violence against him. 

There were also the many many media commentators who constantly compared Trump to Hitler — one psychiatrist Allen Frances told Brian Stelter on CNN: 


“Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.” 


The entire Biden-Harris campaign message, on the odd occasion when they bother to campaign at all, is built solely around Trump being a dictator if he gets into office again who will end American democracy altogether. They have repeated over and over again that Trump is a threat to America. 

The attempted assassination on Trump was an inside job.

Trump’s and America’s real enemies — the Democrats — have a term they like to use called “stochastic terrorism”… where extreme rhetoric is used to intentionally incite random acts of violence. 

Here is the Bunny Boiler Squad Member AOC who has a particular fondness for the term.


#AOC introduces us to a new kind of terrorism. #stochastic terrorism. What will they think of next?

♬ original sound – Mike Russell

Glenn Beck was accused of stochastic terrorism, so was Alex Jones and so of course was Trump. And now Trump’s VP pick, J.D. Vance is being accused of it because he blames the Whitehouse for the attempted assassination of Trump. 

The Left — with this one clunky, engineered term — combine their aversion to free speech with their love of fomenting violence, then claim it is a tactic that conservatives are using. 

Yet neither Beck, nor Jones nor Trump, nor Vance actually have fomented violence through their rhetoric, but the Democrats sure have. Because they have control of 80 percent of the 24-hour media machine on America’s airwaves, they actually did manage to create a culture of violent hysteria. The George Floyd riots alone showed us that in 2020. 

And here is former Democrat senator Claire McCaskill on MSNBC at the end of last year telling the world that Trump is more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini:

Trump never said to terminate the Constitution, any more than he told people to inject themselves with household bleach to cure Covid. He said, two years out of office, that the widespread election fraud of 2020 should terminate the rules and regulations, even those found in the Constitution — and he was right. The Constitution does not allow for election fraud, so should have made that election mute. The Democrats subverted it and the Republicans were too weak to hold them accountable because of the magnitude of deceit and lawfare under the guise of Covid that they managed to pull off. 

Trump never sexually assaulted any woman, he never committed any felony in any state, and he never incited any insurrection. But these people want everyone to believe that he did all these things and that he is worse than Hitler and Mussolini, which is to dehumanise him. 

Joe Biden said at his rally last weekend to camera… “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” 

This is how you can effectively push an assassination into the reality of human events without even having to bother with actively recruiting or training a patsy, a fall guy — all the Democrats have to do in this toxic environment that they consciously created is to pull back on security details and a hate-fuelled misfit will do the rest. 

So the pulling back on security details is exactly what transpired in Pennsylvania according to Dan Bongino and numerous other counter snipers/snipers/ex-military operatives or ex-Secret Service agents who have come out of the woodwork to comment on the unbelievable negligence which took place at that rally. 

The protocol for a consciously created assassination or terrorist attempt then looks like this (and it is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2): 

Create ridiculously extreme rhetoric and play it through all media organs 24/7 plus withhold what Trump needs to keep him safe equals highest chance for optimal conditions for random assassination to occur. 

And after a violent act has occurred, all the Democrat leaders send nice messages of condolences and prayers to the family while hiding behind the ever present farce of “plausible deniability.” 

This hit on Trump may be the clearest example of stochastic terrorism ever seen, a term Democrats pushed to attempt to morally condemn the rhetoric of others, while they set about deploying it at Trump, knowing full well how it works — it’s their baby, it’s their term, they know that because it is their tactic and invention. 

Whether this assassination attempt was a case of that, or a genuine patsy recruited for the job by the Intelligence Blob, which is highly possible given what a 20-year-old kid managed to achieve in broad daylight without being stopped, remains to be examined through proper Congressional investigation. But it must be done and done swiftly. Either way it was an inside job. 

But Trump still lives! One can only put that down to Providence for he seems to have an important mission to accomplish in this lifetime that nobody else can do in such a manufactured climate of weaponised political hate. 

I believe Donald Trump is here to save the Republic. It’s his destiny and whatever gods may be, they seem to love him, and I do too. 

And that is Olivia’s View for the Crunch this week.

For more from Olivia, check out her website: – Free Thought Advocate

Our Contributor

Olivia Pierson
Olivia is a NZ blogger, author and essayist who likes to write about history and its wide influence on our present time. One of her favourite sayings is, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Olivia contributes to the Breakfast programme's political panel, A Political Agenda and is a regular guest on The Crunch with Cam Slater.

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