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The Foundation Members Club

We're on a mission to revive honest media, to report on critical censored stories and to hold those in positions of power to account. It's a good mission.

But to make this happen, RCR needs to grow and grow fast.

For that, we need your support.

The great news is now there's an easy way to show your support by becoming an integral part of RCR, while at the same time receiving some juicy benefits.

What's In It For Me, You Ask?

Aside from the sense of pride that comes from contributing to something that's big, that matters, and that's making a difference, RCR Foundation Members enjoy a host of exclusive benefits.

BONUS #1: RCR Bites

A Curated News Digest Delivered To Your Email Every Day – No Fluff, Just The Important Stuff

With RCR Bites, you'll stay up to speed with current events, breaking news, and censored stories in a few minutes a day with handpicked news from RCR, local New Zealand sources, and international outlets, delivered to your email inbox every* weekday morning.

All Content Is:

  • Vetted and curated by trusted RCR editors, so you know it's worth your attention
  • Summarised for key takeaways for easy skimming; only read the full articles if you want more info
  • Linked to the full content for reference, you can always get to the original source for full context if you have time to dig deeper


This is a great way to stay on the pulse of what's really going on in New Zealand and abroad without wasting hours wading through ad-riddled, government-funded, legacy media, searching for an ounce of truth.

It's like having your own personalised concierge handpicking the most important news for you to enjoy over your morning coffee.

Simply skim through the curated RCR Bites daily email in a few seconds to read the cream of the daily news.

Click through to read the summaries for the main takeaways, and only read the full content if you want the detailed story.

Staying in-the-know on current affairs has never been so easy. Let RCR do all the grunt work for you, keeping you informed hassle-free.

BONUS #2: RCR Backstage Pass

Your ticket to interact with the hosts on monthly insider webinars

Tune in to RCR's backstage monthly webinar to step behind the curtain and listen in on candid discussions with the hosts, ask your most burning questions, and be privy to insider information not broadcast over the airwaves.

If you love RCR but want that little extra velvet touch, you'll love RCR backstage pass.

BONUS #3: Mates Rates on Merch


No club membership would be complete without a hefty discount on merch, and your RCR Foundation Membership is no different.

As a Foundation Member, you'll also receive 20% OFF everything in the RCR shop for the life of your membership.

With RCR merch, looking good and doing good never felt so good.

Become A Foundation Member Today

Be part of the revolution bringing back honest media and help RCR drive change by beating legacy media at their own game

The 40% Off Anniversary Offer Has Ended!
Access is still available at the regular price below.
40% Off Anniversary Discount Expires In:



  • Daily News Email Digest
  • Back Stage Pass
  • 20% OFF on Merch

(Save 30% OFF)

* RCR Bites emails will be delivered every weekday morning except on public holidays or any other time when the RCR Bites Team is having some well deserved R&R.