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At about 10 past 10 on Sunday morning I was in front of the television having my first or maybe second Jed of the day. Hot, strong and black, the way I like my Jeds. Jed's is my preferred brand of coffee.
I was watching Orange Man Bad at his YOOOOOOGE rally in Pennsylvania. He had just started to explain a graph on a big screen to his right, highlighting the YOOOOOGE explosion in numbers of illegal immigrants from shithole countries invading the southern border since the inauguration of Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard.
Suddenly there was a popping sound, and Orange swatted his right ear as if stung by a bee. The popping noises continued. Orange crouched down low, and quickly disappeared from view. People with guns hurtled toward the stage. Oh my God, I thought, it's happened. It being what I had foretold in this slot two weeks ago.
The Swamp — all of it, not just the media maggots, but the entire Deep State, especially the CIA and the FBI — will stop at nothing to stop Trump. They are beyond dirty and beyond evil. They were about to jail him a week from now, and, I suspect, engineer a Jeffrey Epstein “suicide.”. They've been stymied by the Supreme Court, which has set off a new wave of Woke-Fascist hysteria. They will now, I suspect, if all else fails, JFK Trump outright.
I immediately phoned Lady Olivia, known to RCR listeners, fellow-Trumper, soulmate and one-time speech pupil and screamed, “They've shot him. They've effing shot him.” She said, “They've shot who?” I was too distraught to point out it should be, “They've shot whom?” and told her the important thing, what had just happened. She went straight to her TV and I focussed back on mine.
To my great relief, Orange had resurfaced. He appeared to be trying to fend off his protectors, one of whom was a brick portaloo who was at least a foot too short to be doing that job — a DEI hire not only lacking in height but out of her depth. There was at least one other like that. “The fumbling fumbelinas” I subsequently saw them called.
Orange, to his protectors, struggling to get him off stage: “Let me get my shoes.” Then, “Wait, wait, wait.” To the crowd, fist-pumps, and “Fight, fight, fight.” The crowd responding with “USA! USA! USA!”
Orange the Magnificent at his finest. Courageous and defiant to the end. Or what was supposed to be the end. Orange the Braveheart!
And his supporters! No panicking, no stampeding, no cowering, staying in place to roar their support.
And, if you watch Orange being bundled into the limo, see the patriot on the right of screen, looking into the media cameras, giving them the middle finger and shouting “Eff you!”, knowing that the media maggots, Dem-Scum and the Deep State have longed for and agitated for exactly the moment where Orange Man Bad gets eliminated.
Charming Dem-Scum congressman Dan Goldman. The same sack of excrement who claimed that when Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard, the “Big Guy,” met up with or got on speakerphone with Hunter Biden and his business associates, they just talked about the weather.
And for good measure, harking back to my theme from last week — infantilism — here's a fry-quacking Generation Zombie infantile, with Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids, on the Chinese Communist Party platform TikTok hysterically lamenting the fact that the shooter missed.
No doubt as to whom that thing will be voting for!
So was this an attempt to JFK Trump, an inside job? This was the Deep State's last chance, after all, to stop Trump getting the Republican nomination. All else had failed. The indictments, the convictions, the attempts to discredit, bankrupt and jail him… all that was left, as I said two weeks ago, was to kill him outright. This doesn't prove that that's what this was, though. Nor does Beijing Biden's plea, in a conference call to donors on July 8 to put Trump in a bullseye.
“We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days till the convention, 120 days till the election. We can’t waste any more time being distracted. I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
That's disgusting, but it doesn't prove this was a JFK job.
Nor does the fact that the head of the Secret Service, a brick portaloo, is another DEI appointment, a fatuous female committed to making sure that a third of the Secret Service is female, regardless of merit.
Or that her Secret Service had turned down repeated requests from the Trump campaign for beefed-up security.
But it does become mighty suspicious when we learn that the shooter's suspicious presence had been signalled to law enforcement half an hour before the shooting and he remained unapprehended; that he had unimpeded access to a roof a mere hundred and thirty yards away from Trump with a clear line of fire; that his presence on that roof, with a rifle, was being communicated by rally attendees to the Secret Service and local law enforcement for two minutes before he got to open fire, and they did nothing; that the Secret Service counter-snipers on another roof had him trained in their sights for that two minutes but did nothing until he had fired at Trump; and that the brick portaloo is refusing to resign in spite of what is being called universally an epic fail by her Secret Service.
Any investigation by the FBI is rubbish. That's like OJ heading an inquiry into the conduct of his own murder trial. This is the self-same FBI that has been trying to jail Trump, that choreographed the Russia collusion hoax, that suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop, that orchestrated the January 6 violence, that did nothing about the more-than-500 Only Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, that goes after Catholics who prefer their Mass in Latin and parents who object to school boards foisting transgender pornography on their children. The upper echelons of the FBI and its Director Christopher Wray are corrupt to their dirty, filthy, rotten core. The FBI will tell us, as it did with JFK, that this was one nutter, acting on his own.
Inside JFK job or not, Orange the Brave Heart is the Republican nominee, now duly anointed at the Republican National Convention. His choice of J. D. Vance as running mate is as perfect as the phone call to Zelensky for which he was impeached by the Dem-Scum. Unsuccessfully. The Dem-Scum and all the Woke-Fascist, Deep State filth, including the media maggotry, are on their way out.
For the umpteenth time, Lee Greenwood did the honours for a brave heart sporting an ear bandage.