THE DIALOGUE: WILLIAM MCGIMPSEY: Public Policy Professional, Lobbyist and X Personality: On Human Rights, Free Speech, Mass Migration, and National Security

Public policy professional, lobbyist and Twitter personality William McGimpsey joins Dieuwe to talk about human rights, free speech, mass migration, and national identity.

Follow William on X: William McGimpsey (@TheZeitgeistNZ) / X (

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THE DIALOGUE: WILLIAM MCGIMPSEY: Public Policy Professional, Lobbyist and X Personality: On Human Rights, Free Speech, Mass Migration, and National Security

Public policy professional, lobbyist and Twitter personality William McGimpsey joins Dieuwe to talk about human rights, free speech, mass migration, and national identity.

Follow William on X: William McGimpsey (@TheZeitgeistNZ) / X (

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DIEUWE DE BOER: Columnist For The BFD On His Impressions Of Waitangi Day And His Upcoming Show on RCR

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Dieuwe de Boer On His Impressions Of The Christian Political Party Summit 2023

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