Tamzyn Adding On Why The Wallpaper/Interior Designer Is Moving Her Miss Lolo Business To Australia – 3 Aug 2023
We hear from wallpaper/interiors designer Tamzyn Adding, who is moving her Miss Lolo business to Australia for better business opportunities after battling New Zealand's “old boys' club”. Tamzyn joins Paul to speak more about the points she made in the recent controversial NZ Herald article on this topic.
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Tamzyn Adding On Why The Wallpaper/Interior Designer Is Moving Her Miss Lolo Business To Australia – 3 Aug 2023
We hear from wallpaper/interiors designer Tamzyn Adding, who is moving her Miss Lolo business to Australia for better business opportunities after battling New Zealand's “old boys' club”. Tamzyn joins Paul to speak more about the points she made in the recent controversial NZ Herald article on this topic.