SONIA ELIJAH: On How Global Health Authorities Actively Promoted mRNA Shots For Pregnant Women, With No Substantiated Evidence Of Safety
In this interview, Cam catches up with UK investigative journalist Sonia Elijah to discuss how global health authorities actively promoted mRNA shots for pregnant women, without sufficient safety data. Sonia also shares some of the other devastating consequences of the mRNA shots, including child deaths following the rollout.
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SONIA ELIJAH: On How Global Health Authorities Actively Promoted mRNA Shots For Pregnant Women, With No Substantiated Evidence Of Safety
In this interview, Cam catches up with UK investigative journalist Sonia Elijah to discuss how global health authorities actively promoted mRNA shots for pregnant women, without sufficient safety data. Sonia also shares some of the other devastating consequences of the mRNA shots, including child deaths following the rollout.