SHANE JONES: Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Regional Development and Resources: On Waitangi, Treaty Debates and the Covid-19 Inquiry

NZ First's Shane Jones dials in to discuss Waitangi, Treaty debates, and the Royal Covid Inquiry’s expanded terms of reference.

Have your say on the Royal Covid Inquiry.

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SHANE JONES: Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Regional Development and Resources: On Waitangi, Treaty Debates and the Covid-19 Inquiry

NZ First's Shane Jones dials in to discuss Waitangi, Treaty debates, and the Royal Covid Inquiry’s expanded terms of reference.

Have your say on the Royal Covid Inquiry.

If you liked this, you may also like:

SHANE JONES: On The Treaty, NZ's Resources, And The Direction Of Government

SHANE JONES: NZ First Cabinet Minister: A Coalition Update And The Recent Policy Gains For NZ First

SHANE JONES: NZ First Party List Member: On His Preparations To Assume His Ministerial Positions

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