Jaspreet Boparai and Don Nicolson provide a mix of local and global perspectives, delivered with a healthy dose of scepticism about “green” initiatives and government intervention. They discuss the EU approving mealworm powder in food and the carbon credit schemes in Kenya. Plus, local issues like Māori influence, the Reserve Bank Governor's resignation, targeted ads on International Women's Day and the complexities of the gender pay gap. They raise concerns about government overreach and call for everyone to pay closer attention to what's really going on around them.

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Jaspreet Boparai and Don Nicolson provide a mix of local and global perspectives, delivered with a healthy dose of scepticism about “green” initiatives and government intervention. They discuss the EU approving mealworm powder in food and the carbon credit schemes in Kenya. Plus, local issues like Māori influence, the Reserve Bank Governor's resignation, targeted ads on International Women's Day and the complexities of the gender pay gap. They raise concerns about government overreach and call for everyone to pay closer attention to what's really going on around them.

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