BREAKFAST: Perigo’s Perspective: Top Gunn – 24 Aug 2023
Imagine the brouhaha if someone other than a Reality Check Radio host were to say, Women are from Venus and men are from Mars, and all the other genders you make up are from Uranus.
Of course, that's the truth, (it's the chromosomes, stoopid), but truth doesn't matter to the snowflakes who would demand burning at the stake of such a heretic; it's their infantile, whim-driven “narratives” that drive their grotesque agenda.
Imagine the even greater hysteria if the same person were to say the Wuhan Virus traffic light system was never about health, but control of the citizenry, discrimination against the unvaccinated, and the destruction of local and family-run businesses.
Imagine how cosmic the commotion would be if she were a nurse, and said these things on that haven of Woke-Fascism, Faecesbook.
Jennifer Scott is a nurse, and she did.
The Thought Police came after her. A stiff missive from the Nursing Council included accusations of the following Thought Crimes:
In December 2021 and January 2022 you made offensive and/or inappropriate online comments about LGBTQIA+ communities. …
On 17 January 2022 you stated, “It is not a vaccine as it does not prevent the spread of disease or protect from it. The drug has killed and injured many many people … please stop and ask yourself some questions before you allow someone to jab children in the arm with an experimental substance. …
You allegedly made anti-trans statements to a couple in a Dunedin restaurant. …
What on earth have we come to?! Last time I checked, it was still not a crime, in spite of the best efforts by Jacinda Jackboot and other Woke-Fascists, to express an opinion on anything, especially outside of working hours. Yet Jennifer has been suspended from her job, at a time of a chronic nursing shortage, and is facing permanent deregistration. The Free Speech Union has picked up her case and is working to have her reinstated.
But it should never have come to this. This is reminiscent of the time when another nurse, Anna Penn, was raked over the coals for questioning a lecturer's claim that white men threw Maori printing presses into the sea.
We have a climate crisis all right: the climate of fear, hysteria, hypnosis, snitching and siccing that the Uniparty has nurtured, as it shills for the odious agenda of Adolf Schwab.
How gratifying and edifying (that's for you Henry), then, over the weekend, to hear of new policies and candidates from Liz Gunn's new, vehemently, pro-free speech party!
I'm still weighing my vote, but I too am on board with getting out of the WEF, the UN and the WHO. And knowing what a woman is. I'd ask that question of any candidate as a litmus test. What is a woman?
Nadir and Zurga know what a woman is. They're in love with the same one!
#Loyal #NZLoyal
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BREAKFAST: Perigo’s Perspective: Top Gunn – 24 Aug 2023
Imagine the brouhaha if someone other than a Reality Check Radio host were to say, Women are from Venus and men are from Mars, and all the other genders you make up are from Uranus.
Of course, that's the truth, (it's the chromosomes, stoopid), but truth doesn't matter to the snowflakes who would demand burning at the stake of such a heretic; it's their infantile, whim-driven “narratives” that drive their grotesque agenda.
Imagine the even greater hysteria if the same person were to say the Wuhan Virus traffic light system was never about health, but control of the citizenry, discrimination against the unvaccinated, and the destruction of local and family-run businesses.
Imagine how cosmic the commotion would be if she were a nurse, and said these things on that haven of Woke-Fascism, Faecesbook.
Jennifer Scott is a nurse, and she did.
The Thought Police came after her. A stiff missive from the Nursing Council included accusations of the following Thought Crimes:
In December 2021 and January 2022 you made offensive and/or inappropriate online comments about LGBTQIA+ communities. …
On 17 January 2022 you stated, “It is not a vaccine as it does not prevent the spread of disease or protect from it. The drug has killed and injured many many people … please stop and ask yourself some questions before you allow someone to jab children in the arm with an experimental substance. …
You allegedly made anti-trans statements to a couple in a Dunedin restaurant. …
What on earth have we come to?! Last time I checked, it was still not a crime, in spite of the best efforts by Jacinda Jackboot and other Woke-Fascists, to express an opinion on anything, especially outside of working hours. Yet Jennifer has been suspended from her job, at a time of a chronic nursing shortage, and is facing permanent deregistration. The Free Speech Union has picked up her case and is working to have her reinstated.
But it should never have come to this. This is reminiscent of the time when another nurse, Anna Penn, was raked over the coals for questioning a lecturer's claim that white men threw Maori printing presses into the sea.
We have a climate crisis all right: the climate of fear, hysteria, hypnosis, snitching and siccing that the Uniparty has nurtured, as it shills for the odious agenda of Adolf Schwab.
How gratifying and edifying (that's for you Henry), then, over the weekend, to hear of new policies and candidates from Liz Gunn's new, vehemently, pro-free speech party!
I'm still weighing my vote, but I too am on board with getting out of the WEF, the UN and the WHO. And knowing what a woman is. I'd ask that question of any candidate as a litmus test. What is a woman?
Nadir and Zurga know what a woman is. They're in love with the same one!
#Loyal #NZLoyal