Perigo's Perspective: The Letter To America

I shall begin this week's PP by repeating the first part of last week's PP, rewritten by a poet. This was most edifying and gratifying. And self-explanatory. Peter posted this on the RCR Facebook site:

In the realm of twisted tales, where truth is but a guise,

The Ministry of Truth weaves webs of darkened skies.

Jacinda Jackboot's single source, a puppeteer unseen,

Strings pulled with deceit, in a world unclean.

In Orwell's echoes, a Ministry unfolds,

Where history is rewritten, and reality molds.

“Lies, half-truths, and hysteria,” their weapons drawn,

State media echoes, the only voice at dawn.

“War is Peace,” they chant, a paradoxical decree,

“Freedom is Slavery,” binds minds in tyranny.

“Ignorance is Strength,” the mantra they repeat,

As truth dissolves, and falsehoods discreet.

Pfizer's whispers, the Ministry's deceitful hymn,

Wuhan vaccines safe, they claim with a grim grin.

Masks, a veil of trust in the theater they stage,

Yet behind the scenes, a farce, an empty cage.

Newsdump, a channel spewing tales untold,

Infantile speech, a culture growing cold.

YouTube's echo, where comments dare not speak,

In the silence, dissent is rendered weak.

A fifth wave looms, the virus' shadow cast,

Boosters and face nappies, decrees from the vast.

Fake News bulletin, a proclamation dire,

A narrative scripted, fueled by deceit's fire.

In aesthetic terrorism, squawks and quacks,

Broadcasting's demise, as culture cracks.

Toxic jabs injected, into the veins of trust,

In this dystopian dance, where lies combust.

So, in this twilight where realities blur,

Let Perigo's  be a voice that will stir.

In no particular style, let words take flight,

For in the ink of honesty, we find our light.

And so to this week's Perspective. I quote now from Time Magazine:

Two decades ago, Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader behind 9/11, laid out his attempted justification for the terror attack against the U.S. that killed nearly 3,000 people in his “Letter to America.”

This week, that same letter went viral on TikTok among a new generation, many of whom are debating the Israel-Hamas war and the role played by the U.S. For some, a big part of bin Laden’s justification—American support for Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories in what the U.N. deems a violation of international law—resonates with what’s going on now in the Middle East, leading them to renew calls for a Gaza ceasefire.

I looked the letter up. As expected, it was neither edifying nor gratifying. It was long. Just a smidgeon of it now:

What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion.

(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gamblings, and trading with interest.

We call you to all of this that you may be freed from that which you have become caught up in; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you are a great nation, that your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state to which you have reached.

(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind.

Well, there's a call that's hard to resist!

Now, what was brutally instructive when this resurfaced was the reaction on that playground of Gen Z for Zombies, the Chinese Communist Party's tik-tok.

These sub-moronnials of course had never heard of Osama bin Laden, and I doubt they got to read his letter fully since it is indeed quite long and  they have the attention spans of … well, sub-moronnials (and the moronnials are bad enough). 

But that didn't stop them having “existential crises” in reaction to it. What is instructive is the aesthetic terrorism to which I referred last week: in this case, the empty vocabulary, the asinine, gratuitous upward inflections – so, like, I'm so totally like, you know, having an existential crisis right now around this – and the entitled whinyness of the demand that, you guys need to stop what you're doing and pay attention to me because I'm having an existential crisis right now? If you think civilisation can survive the preponderance of vacuous little narcissistic monsters such as these

Famed lawyer and lecturer Alan Dershowitz had some trenchant observations to make about burgeoning anti-Semitism among the young on Mark Levin's ‘Life Liberty and Levin’ show at the weekend.

In the event, alarm bells went off about the bin Laden letter and it was taken down and discussion of it closed down on sundry online venues. 

Wrong thing to do, in my opinion. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let's see what bin Laden said then and what people are saying about it now, especially those having orgasms over it.

Civilised humans know what they're up against, especially those currently, literally held hostage by it as we speak. It's called evil.

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Perigo's Perspective: The Letter To America

I shall begin this week's PP by repeating the first part of last week's PP, rewritten by a poet. This was most edifying and gratifying. And self-explanatory. Peter posted this on the RCR Facebook site:

In the realm of twisted tales, where truth is but a guise,

The Ministry of Truth weaves webs of darkened skies.

Jacinda Jackboot's single source, a puppeteer unseen,

Strings pulled with deceit, in a world unclean.

In Orwell's echoes, a Ministry unfolds,

Where history is rewritten, and reality molds.

“Lies, half-truths, and hysteria,” their weapons drawn,

State media echoes, the only voice at dawn.

“War is Peace,” they chant, a paradoxical decree,

“Freedom is Slavery,” binds minds in tyranny.

“Ignorance is Strength,” the mantra they repeat,

As truth dissolves, and falsehoods discreet.

Pfizer's whispers, the Ministry's deceitful hymn,

Wuhan vaccines safe, they claim with a grim grin.

Masks, a veil of trust in the theater they stage,

Yet behind the scenes, a farce, an empty cage.

Newsdump, a channel spewing tales untold,

Infantile speech, a culture growing cold.

YouTube's echo, where comments dare not speak,

In the silence, dissent is rendered weak.

A fifth wave looms, the virus' shadow cast,

Boosters and face nappies, decrees from the vast.

Fake News bulletin, a proclamation dire,

A narrative scripted, fueled by deceit's fire.

In aesthetic terrorism, squawks and quacks,

Broadcasting's demise, as culture cracks.

Toxic jabs injected, into the veins of trust,

In this dystopian dance, where lies combust.

So, in this twilight where realities blur,

Let Perigo's  be a voice that will stir.

In no particular style, let words take flight,

For in the ink of honesty, we find our light.

And so to this week's Perspective. I quote now from Time Magazine:

Two decades ago, Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader behind 9/11, laid out his attempted justification for the terror attack against the U.S. that killed nearly 3,000 people in his “Letter to America.”

This week, that same letter went viral on TikTok among a new generation, many of whom are debating the Israel-Hamas war and the role played by the U.S. For some, a big part of bin Laden’s justification—American support for Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories in what the U.N. deems a violation of international law—resonates with what’s going on now in the Middle East, leading them to renew calls for a Gaza ceasefire.

I looked the letter up. As expected, it was neither edifying nor gratifying. It was long. Just a smidgeon of it now:

What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion.

(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gamblings, and trading with interest.

We call you to all of this that you may be freed from that which you have become caught up in; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you are a great nation, that your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state to which you have reached.

(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind.

Well, there's a call that's hard to resist!

Now, what was brutally instructive when this resurfaced was the reaction on that playground of Gen Z for Zombies, the Chinese Communist Party's tik-tok.

These sub-moronnials of course had never heard of Osama bin Laden, and I doubt they got to read his letter fully since it is indeed quite long and  they have the attention spans of … well, sub-moronnials (and the moronnials are bad enough). 

But that didn't stop them having “existential crises” in reaction to it. What is instructive is the aesthetic terrorism to which I referred last week: in this case, the empty vocabulary, the asinine, gratuitous upward inflections – so, like, I'm so totally like, you know, having an existential crisis right now around this – and the entitled whinyness of the demand that, you guys need to stop what you're doing and pay attention to me because I'm having an existential crisis right now? If you think civilisation can survive the preponderance of vacuous little narcissistic monsters such as these

Famed lawyer and lecturer Alan Dershowitz had some trenchant observations to make about burgeoning anti-Semitism among the young on Mark Levin's ‘Life Liberty and Levin’ show at the weekend.

In the event, alarm bells went off about the bin Laden letter and it was taken down and discussion of it closed down on sundry online venues. 

Wrong thing to do, in my opinion. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let's see what bin Laden said then and what people are saying about it now, especially those having orgasms over it.

Civilised humans know what they're up against, especially those currently, literally held hostage by it as we speak. It's called evil.

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