So the Dirty Dems are currently congregating in Chicago, a quintessentially Dirty Dem city, the murder capital of the world, corrupt and Woke as hell. You can't get into their National Convention without photo ID, but they try to ban ID for voting in rigged general elections. They are there to coronate Commie La-La after the coup which overthrew the duly processed presidential nominee, Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard. The Chinese Communist Party needn't be worried. Commie La-La's running mate Wuhan Walz just loves Communist China – honeymooned there, married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, taught there for years and has vacationed there over 30 times. As Governor of Minnesota he set up a snitch line during the Wuhan lockdowns where you could dob your neighbour in for receiving visitors or walking his dog. Very Chinese Communist Party! He did nothing as Red Guard-type thugs rampaged through Minneapolis, burning, looting and killing. He facilitates the CCP objective of sewing confusion and disintegration by mandating tampons in boys' bathrooms – hence Tampon Tim. Tampon Tim and Commie La-La! What a ghastly ticket!
Commie La-La got off to a puzzling start. Through minions, since she has refused to be interviewed or hold press conferences, she let it be known that she no longer holds some of the more la-la positions she has stated in the past, such as banning fracking, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, free health care for illegal aliens, the abolition of private health insurance. Jordan Peterson psycho-analysed this apparent back-tracking and warned us not to be fooled by it.. It was a ruse, he said, typical of narcissistic psychopaths with Cluster B personality disorders.
Cluster B personality disorders? I'll plump for simple, flat-out “evil”! In any event, then, in a campaign speech – if you can call that whiney fry-quack she vomits speech – Commie La-La went full commie, true to form, Price controls, setting the stage for queues and shortages that would make the Soviet Union blush.
Cackling Commie La-La: that's gouging, dear, not gauging. .[Cackle] The grocery chains' margin of 1.6% can scarcely be called “gouging.” It's your reckless spending that has caused inflation, dear – you are the arsonist promising to put out the fire you've started. You are the border tsar who has let in millions of illegals now promising to secure the border.
Naturally, Orange Man Bad pounced!
If Americans don't take back their country there will be queues and shortages, black-outs and brown-outs – only you won't be allowed to call them that. “Black” and “brown” will be as illegal as “he” and “she.” The Thought Police and Pronoun Police will be running amok. And the Food Police! No more red meat. Commie La-La says cows bad for planet and humans.
Are they in fact?
I want you to listen to ultra-Woke vegan guru Dr John McDougall, an intrepid proponent of the view that a starch-based vegan diet – rice, potatoes, peas, corn, bread – devoid of red meat or any animal products is optimal for the health of humans and the planet:
Well, Dr John McDougall himself has just died at the age of 77. If 76 isn't very old, as he just said, then by his standards 77 can't be very old either! Plenty of people who love their burgers live a lot longer than that! Further, McDougall has for years looked scarecrow skinny, malnourished and much older than he was. His fans are shocked at his passing. It's not even a surprise. McDougall was jabbed and boosted for Wuhan. That could have contributed. Cause of death is not being disclosed. I suspect death by lack of cow. Beware of globalists touting jabs, lockdowns and veganism. Beware the Dirty Dems with their mobile and vasectomy vans!
Jabber extraordinaire Damn Jabby Jacinda Jackboot, inevitably, did a cameo at the DNC as part of a “global progress action” panel discussion titled “Healing the Nation,”.described by hosts, the Centre for American Progress Action, as a discussion about “an equity agenda” for a Commie La-La administration and the “interconnectedness in the fight for democracy around the world.”.
Centre for American Progress Action? That has Soros written all over it! Sure enough, listed among those contributing a million dollars or more: Open Society Policy Center! Soros! An Equity Agenda! Healing the Nation! Oh yes, Damn Jabby Jacinda Jackboot is an expert on healing nations.
That is one cow you should avoid!
Beijing Biden ranted and raved late on Monday night in a singularly graceless exit, lying through his teeth about Charlottesville, the border, Roe vs Wade and every subject he touched. Trump, he claimed, was promising a “bloodbath” if he didn't win. Flat-out lie. Trump said there'd be a bloodbath for the auto industry if he wasn't in office to put tariffs on cars made in Mexico with Chinese expertise imported into America.
Whatever Beijing was juiced up on for the State of the Union address, he was pumped up on again on Monday night. He was the same angry, shouty man he was for the State of the Union. While the juice made him angry, it didn't always help with his articulation:
I shall pass on the ghastly Obamarxists and conclude with some more Woke lunacy and some anti-Woke humour from Britonistan, where the Church of England is moving to drop the term Church in favour of more “relevant” and “modern sounding” terms such as “communities.” Not without some resistance. Dr Giles Fraser, vicar of St Anne's, in Kew, London, says, “if the Church has given up on church, not since Prince became Squiggle has there been such a daft revision.”
Karl Marx, whom I don't normally quote, once wrote that the Anglican Church would more readily pardon an attack on 38 of its 39 articles than on one 39th of its income. It has received 82 million pounds from the taxpayer to build new churches. It hasn't delivered, probably because it knows it couldn't fill them, and doesn't really want to anyway. The Church has thrown in the towel. It has thrown God and Jesus under the bus. Most of its clergy don't believe in any of the 39 Articles. I don't either, but I don't make my living pretending to. I would, however, love to see the Church as an institution standing up to the tyranny of Keir Stalin as he clears the country's jails to make way for those found guilty of thought crimes on Faecesbook.. I suppose the Church is afraid of being called “Far Right,” the mindless go-to smear of the Marxist media maggotry. If resisting Woke-Fascism and upholding freedom of speech makes one “Far Right”, then I say, suck it up, CHURCH of England … and join the rest of us!