Lindsay Perigo was back to make our day with another edition of Perigo’s Perspective. This week, he gave us the lowdown on the US Vice Presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz. And the winner was…?
I spoke some weeks ago about the pandemic of infantilism sweeping the formerly civilised world. From what Mark Levin calls the “babbling imbecility” of Commie La-La to the mass production of morons in our schools and the push by other babbling imbeciles such as Damn Jabby Jacinda Jackboot to grant the morons the vote knowing they'll vote Woke. The tidal wave of infantilism may yet engulf us, because the government's reintroduction of phonics, its rediscovery of arithmetic, its rewriting of the curriculum, its resurrection of Shakespeare and Charter Schools, its banishment of sow phones from the classroom … all of this may be too little too late to save us from the avalanche of entitled, snotty little monsters, these hideous, ubiquitous Chloe Swarbricks unleashed by the child-molesters of the mind in the Ministry of Education and the teacher unions for over 30 years now.
I quote from a Taxpayers' Union press release from last Friday;
Hastings Mayor and Councillors have lost the plot: using kids as political play things
The Taxpayers' Union is telling Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst to ‘grow up' after she used her casting vote to give committee voting rights, and a salary, to members of the Hastings District Youth Council: school-aged kids.
“We vote for a mayor and councillors to be adult decision makers and here they are literally outsourcing to kids,” says Jordan Williams, a spokesman for the Taxpayers' Union.
“This move is either a sign of utter ineptitude or a cynical move to manipulate young people so that the political balance on the council is shifted. Either way, it is utterly disgraceful.”
I intercede to say that for Jordan Williams to call anything “utterly disgraceful,” it must be really bad! Jordan is one of those who would normally say “disturbing,” “troubling,” “concerning,” “problematic” or even, if he's letting his hair down, “unacceptable.” “Utterly disgraceful”?! We'd better sit up and take notice!
Jordan goes on:
“It's bad enough being a so-called ‘youth councillor'. These school age, clipboard-bearing loners are now going to be introduced to the ratepayer tit before they're even old enough to have paid rent on a flat, let alone seen a rates bill.” …
“Local government is in crisis and instead of the adults prevailing, Mayor Hazlehurst is inviting kids with, at best, year 10 business studies, to cast votes on governance matters of an organisation with total assets of nearly three billion.” …
“If the councillors that supported this masquerade had a shred of decency, they would have gone to a referendum – because residents have woken up to news that literal 15-year olds are making decisions on things they know nothing about.”
Bravo, Jordan. But have you watched Parliament recently? And have residents woken up in the other sense? They voted these councillors in. Let them redeem themselves next year by voting out every last Woke-Fascist purveyor of infantilism in sight!
Just as we would have voted this one out had she not fled first. But look out, Ding, dong, the witch is back, cackling out her lethal brand of “empathy” for 6 figure fee per narcissistic quack-fest!
I guess we may finally know now the meaning of “killing with kindness”?!
And of course, the Marxist Media Maggotry are fawning all over Damn Jabby. With one exception: Alexa Lavoie of Canada's Rebel News, who attempted to buttonhole a fleeing Jackboot at a secretive Globalist elitist event in that country a few days ago
Do look that one up. Damn Jabby doesn't have her broomstick and really has to hot-foot it!
Hmmmmm. Why indeed is she there? Black Rock? Soros? Schwab? Bill Gates? World Economic Forum?
Probably these kids sucking on the ratepayer tit, whom Jackboot wants to vote in general elections, will be sporting Palestinian flags, and LGBTQABCDEF flags too, not having a clue as to what or where Palestine is or that actually, there's no such place at the moment, and if there were it wouldn't be gay-friendly. Just like the fetid grotesqueries swarming Melbourne, once a really beautiful, civilised city, these last few days shrieking against the long overdue killing of the leader of Hizbollocks.
Personally I am overjoyed at the devastation wrought upon Hizbollocks and Hamass these last couple of weeks – exploding pagers and walkie-talkies? Discriminate, combatant-targeting genius in the fight for civilisation over barbarism – and I hold in utter contempt our Uniparty government for voting for a UN resolution calling on Israel to leave Gaza. In case you hadn't noticed, morons, Israel left there years ago, and the citizens voted for Hamass, which your UN vote effectively did as well. Shame on you, Pontius Peters.
And now, the puppeteers behind all of it, have come out of hiding. The filthy Ayatollahs have unleashed destruction on Israel, in solidarity with their proxies Hamass, Hizbollocks and Hooters. Or at least they have tried to, but once again most of their missiles didn't make it, thanks to Israel's magnificent interception system. Let us hope Israel will now take out Iran's nuclear facilities.. And when the UN objects, let us invite the UN, and the WHO, and the WEF and the CCP and all other globalist trash to go to hell. Let us forge a new alliance of remaining semi-civilised countries and become fully civilised again. Let us declare all uncivilised countries outlaws, and banish Soros and Gates and Damn Jabby to any one of them.
Alexander Soros, the son of the most evil man on the planet, is stepping into Daddy's shoes, helping make the world safe for tyranny. Sack of Excrement Junior just hosted Commie La-La's running mate, Tampon Tim, in his, Alexander's, swank New York Apartment way up in the stratosphere. A photo was released of the two of them standing at a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking a kaleidoscopic view of that incomparable New York cityscape. One Unwoke wag suggested this caption. Alexander to Tampon: “If you don't do what we tell you, we'll push you out this window.”
After yesterday's Vice-Presidential debate, Alexander might want to throw himself out the window: Here was Tiananmen Tim filibustering a question as to why he claimed to be in China at the time of the infamous massacre when he was actually in Nebraska
For light relief from all the Woke-Fascist infantilism, a quick salute to the recently deceased Maggie Smith, with an unforgettable line from Downton Abbey, guaranteed to trigger snowflakes and cause their empty heads to explode like a Hizbollocks walkie-talkie.
And for heavier relief, Schumann. What, you may ask, has Schumann to do with relief from Woke-Fascist infantilism? The fact that his is the universe the Woke-Fascists seek to expunge. The world of truth, beauty, grandeur, intelligence, clean delight … and civilisation.
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Lindsay Perigo was back to make our day with another edition of Perigo’s Perspective. This week, he gave us the lowdown on the US Vice Presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz. And the winner was…?
I spoke some weeks ago about the pandemic of infantilism sweeping the formerly civilised world. From what Mark Levin calls the “babbling imbecility” of Commie La-La to the mass production of morons in our schools and the push by other babbling imbeciles such as Damn Jabby Jacinda Jackboot to grant the morons the vote knowing they'll vote Woke. The tidal wave of infantilism may yet engulf us, because the government's reintroduction of phonics, its rediscovery of arithmetic, its rewriting of the curriculum, its resurrection of Shakespeare and Charter Schools, its banishment of sow phones from the classroom … all of this may be too little too late to save us from the avalanche of entitled, snotty little monsters, these hideous, ubiquitous Chloe Swarbricks unleashed by the child-molesters of the mind in the Ministry of Education and the teacher unions for over 30 years now.
I quote from a Taxpayers' Union press release from last Friday;
Hastings Mayor and Councillors have lost the plot: using kids as political play things
The Taxpayers' Union is telling Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst to ‘grow up' after she used her casting vote to give committee voting rights, and a salary, to members of the Hastings District Youth Council: school-aged kids.
“We vote for a mayor and councillors to be adult decision makers and here they are literally outsourcing to kids,” says Jordan Williams, a spokesman for the Taxpayers' Union.
“This move is either a sign of utter ineptitude or a cynical move to manipulate young people so that the political balance on the council is shifted. Either way, it is utterly disgraceful.”
I intercede to say that for Jordan Williams to call anything “utterly disgraceful,” it must be really bad! Jordan is one of those who would normally say “disturbing,” “troubling,” “concerning,” “problematic” or even, if he's letting his hair down, “unacceptable.” “Utterly disgraceful”?! We'd better sit up and take notice!
Jordan goes on:
“It's bad enough being a so-called ‘youth councillor'. These school age, clipboard-bearing loners are now going to be introduced to the ratepayer tit before they're even old enough to have paid rent on a flat, let alone seen a rates bill.” …
“Local government is in crisis and instead of the adults prevailing, Mayor Hazlehurst is inviting kids with, at best, year 10 business studies, to cast votes on governance matters of an organisation with total assets of nearly three billion.” …
“If the councillors that supported this masquerade had a shred of decency, they would have gone to a referendum – because residents have woken up to news that literal 15-year olds are making decisions on things they know nothing about.”
Bravo, Jordan. But have you watched Parliament recently? And have residents woken up in the other sense? They voted these councillors in. Let them redeem themselves next year by voting out every last Woke-Fascist purveyor of infantilism in sight!
Just as we would have voted this one out had she not fled first. But look out, Ding, dong, the witch is back, cackling out her lethal brand of “empathy” for 6 figure fee per narcissistic quack-fest!
I guess we may finally know now the meaning of “killing with kindness”?!
And of course, the Marxist Media Maggotry are fawning all over Damn Jabby. With one exception: Alexa Lavoie of Canada's Rebel News, who attempted to buttonhole a fleeing Jackboot at a secretive Globalist elitist event in that country a few days ago
Do look that one up. Damn Jabby doesn't have her broomstick and really has to hot-foot it!
Hmmmmm. Why indeed is she there? Black Rock? Soros? Schwab? Bill Gates? World Economic Forum?
Probably these kids sucking on the ratepayer tit, whom Jackboot wants to vote in general elections, will be sporting Palestinian flags, and LGBTQABCDEF flags too, not having a clue as to what or where Palestine is or that actually, there's no such place at the moment, and if there were it wouldn't be gay-friendly. Just like the fetid grotesqueries swarming Melbourne, once a really beautiful, civilised city, these last few days shrieking against the long overdue killing of the leader of Hizbollocks.
Personally I am overjoyed at the devastation wrought upon Hizbollocks and Hamass these last couple of weeks – exploding pagers and walkie-talkies? Discriminate, combatant-targeting genius in the fight for civilisation over barbarism – and I hold in utter contempt our Uniparty government for voting for a UN resolution calling on Israel to leave Gaza. In case you hadn't noticed, morons, Israel left there years ago, and the citizens voted for Hamass, which your UN vote effectively did as well. Shame on you, Pontius Peters.
And now, the puppeteers behind all of it, have come out of hiding. The filthy Ayatollahs have unleashed destruction on Israel, in solidarity with their proxies Hamass, Hizbollocks and Hooters. Or at least they have tried to, but once again most of their missiles didn't make it, thanks to Israel's magnificent interception system. Let us hope Israel will now take out Iran's nuclear facilities.. And when the UN objects, let us invite the UN, and the WHO, and the WEF and the CCP and all other globalist trash to go to hell. Let us forge a new alliance of remaining semi-civilised countries and become fully civilised again. Let us declare all uncivilised countries outlaws, and banish Soros and Gates and Damn Jabby to any one of them.
Alexander Soros, the son of the most evil man on the planet, is stepping into Daddy's shoes, helping make the world safe for tyranny. Sack of Excrement Junior just hosted Commie La-La's running mate, Tampon Tim, in his, Alexander's, swank New York Apartment way up in the stratosphere. A photo was released of the two of them standing at a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking a kaleidoscopic view of that incomparable New York cityscape. One Unwoke wag suggested this caption. Alexander to Tampon: “If you don't do what we tell you, we'll push you out this window.”
After yesterday's Vice-Presidential debate, Alexander might want to throw himself out the window: Here was Tiananmen Tim filibustering a question as to why he claimed to be in China at the time of the infamous massacre when he was actually in Nebraska
For light relief from all the Woke-Fascist infantilism, a quick salute to the recently deceased Maggie Smith, with an unforgettable line from Downton Abbey, guaranteed to trigger snowflakes and cause their empty heads to explode like a Hizbollocks walkie-talkie.
And for heavier relief, Schumann. What, you may ask, has Schumann to do with relief from Woke-Fascist infantilism? The fact that his is the universe the Woke-Fascists seek to expunge. The world of truth, beauty, grandeur, intelligence, clean delight … and civilisation.