Perigo's Perspective: How to Slay the Dragons of Woke Fascism!
Interview with Paul, followed by following script:
Happy New Year, liberty lovers! May 2024 be a great year for slaying the dragons of Woke-Fascism, reasserting our freedom of speech and association and freedom from coerced medical treatment, repudiating Brown Supremacism and banishing the Davos Diabolists from our lives.
Their number one champion in the world is Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard. His number one means of implementing their agenda is the invasion of America by the Third World.
The illegitimate president dutifully obeyed his paymasters by enabling a surge of ten million Third Worlders since usurping office. The Third World is not sending its best. Gang-members, cartel operatives, Islamists and Communists galore. China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia … Twelve of them just brutalised two cops in New York. Let out without bail by the George Soros puppet District Attorney Alvin Bragg (one of the crims going after Orange Man Bad), two of the Third Worlders held up their middle finger to America for the television cameras. These are not your poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free, embracing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; these are savages, yearning to rape, kill and loot — they call that shopping without money — and in many cases to promote Sharia Law and tyranny.
It now transpires that before beating up cops, these particular Third Worlders shopped without money for some high-end handbags. Talk about close to home!
Beware of evil claiming the moral high ground. In these Orwellian times, it always does.
Elon Musk says:
Biden’s strategy is very simple:
- Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
- Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state.
Ten million Third Worlders get him well on the way.
And of course, Woke-Fascists head off criticism of this abomination by labelling it racist and criminalising it. Christopher Luxon has just legitimised this form of totalitarian turpitude by asking Jacinda Jackboot to continue on as unelected censor of internet speech in the name of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity — DIE. This tells me he's as much a shill for the Davos Diabolists, including Pfizer and Black Rock and the Chinese Communist Party, as she is.
We've just had a long weekend of brown supremacists further poisoning our social discourse with their DIE anti-white racism.
Here's Hone Harawira, exemplar of reasonableness, assigning a Bill that hasn't even been written yet to a special place in his affections.
Winston Peters rightly gave Hateful Hone short shrift.
Of course the foul and pestilent congregation of apartheid-mongers don't want anti-white racism to be illegal; they want it to be compulsory, as it already is in schools. Luxon could redeem himself by abolishing the Woke-Fascist Ministry of Education, locus of the child-molesters of the mind, and demanding that DIE in state education die.
By contrast with this inhuman dearth of noble natures, it was edifying and gratifying to be able to switch channels on Waitangi Day to live coverage of New Zealand's premier cricketers playing their counterparts from South Africa, a country that has repudiated apartheid. How wondrous was Williamson, how rampant the ravishing Ravindra, how jaw-dropping Jamieson … “how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable!” [Shakespeare]
I was also edified and gratified to chance across something that, on its face at least, is the antithesis of racism and an embodiment of a non-coercive, colour-blind cultural collaboration. I quote from Rotorua Now, February 5:
Maisey Rika brings Māori singing legend to stage
The Sir Howard Morrison Centre is accustomed to hosting legendary artists, but on Valentine’s Day this year the iconic venue will see renowned Te Arawa singer Ana Hato, who passed away in 1957, back on stage in a Waiata Opera fantasy theatre work.
‘The Mario LaNZa Valentines Fantasy’ is written and directed by Samoan creative, Siliga Sani Muliaumasealii, and tells the story of an imaginary meeting between Ana Hato and American opera star Mario Lanza, when Lanza’s plane is forced to land in Rotorua during a freak summer storm.
Muliaumaseali’I, a Royal Opera House and English National Opera tenor, and RNZ Concert presenter, says the idea for the show was unexpected.
“I originally wanted to present a concert in Rotorua featuring songs made famous by Mario Lanza, when I happened across some Ana Hato recordings at the RNZ Concert studios and I was immediately struck by the purity of her voice,” he says.
After delving a little deeper, Muliaumaseali’i discovered how just much Ana Matawhāura Hato (Ngāti Whakaue and Tūhourangi), had contributed to the recording history of Aotearoa.
Hato and her cousin, Deane Waretini Senior, were two of the first Māori / New Zealand singers to be commercially recorded in Aotearoa, including a recording at Ohinemutu Marae in Rotorua in 1927 for the Duke and Duchess of York during their Royal Visit. [Wot, no hikoi??!!]
“Ana Hato was known as the Maori nightingale and Mario Lanza, who was one of the biggest opera recording and film stars of the 1950’s, was known as the American Caruso,” says Muliaumaseali’i.
“Bringing the two stars together in a story set in Rotorua, in the time of the Māori Battalion, offers a rich union of Māori culture and Italian Opera culture. The possibilities of what could occur at such a meeting proved irresistible and the story unfolded.”
The Hato whānau are thrilled their Tipuna is being acknowledged in such a unique way, and the boutique ensemble made up of Ngāti Whakaue and Tūhourangi share this enthusiasm.
Many of the ensemble have solid Kapa Haka backgrounds, but are new to the world of music theatre.
‘I am more than happy to be a part of this kaupapa! Bring on Mario Lanza woohoo!!!’ beams Baritone Rapata Biddle.
Audiences at The Mario LaNZa Valentines Fantasy will recognise popular waiata including Hine e hine, Waiata Poi and Pokarekare Ana, as made famous by Hato, as well as Lanza favourites such as Be My Love and The Lords Prayer.
The Mario LaNZa Valentines Fantasy will have two outings on February 14, 2024 with a preview at 2pm, and evening show at 7pm.
All very a propos. I remember Sir Howard, whom I interviewed several times, joking to me about being called “Maori Lanza.”
Mario of course has had several outings on Perigo's Perspectives. I have written a book about him and was close friends with his late son Damon. I hope this Valentine's Day show hasn't turned Mario into a Woke wimp, apologising for the carbon footprint of his plane and Christopher Columbus! He would hate that. A more unWoke figure than Mario you couldn't imagine.
Ana Hato was just 19 when the above-mentioned recordings were cut at Ohinemutu Marae. A recording engineer at Columbia Records in Sydney had brought a pre-electric recording plant to Ohinemutu to cut about 18 recordings of Maori song for the royal visit, of which 16 were issued on the Parlophone label. Ana was accompanied by the Rotorua Maori Choir. There is no record of any of the performers claiming to be victims, or condemning as white colonial oppression their being thus immortalised. May we give to Third Worlder Hateful Hone and his Apartheid-Mongers, Beijing Biden, the Davos Diabolists and all Woke-Fascists, the middle finger in 2024?!