The irascible Lindsay Perigo returned for the weekly Perigo’s Perspective. This episode, he opined on the continued threats to President Trump in the lead up to the US election. And he didn’t hold back!
Aaron Heitke. H E I T K E. You've not heard the name, have you? The Marxist Media Maggotry should have apprised you of it with blaring headlines. Being the Marxist Media Maggotry, aka Pravda, aka propaganda organs for the Democrat Party in the States, and Hard Labour, The Shoplifters' Party and Te Paaaaati Apaaaartheid here, they didn't apprise you of it with blaring headlines.
Aaron Heitke is a retired Chief Patrol Agent for US Customs and Border Protection. Last week he testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security that while in that job he had been forbidden by the regime of Beijing Biden and Commie La-La to say anything publicly about the dramatic surge in “SIA's” – Significant Interest Aliens – known terrorists – crossing the Southern border since Beijing and Commie La-La the Border Tsar opened it right up to anyone and everyone.
Here is Aaron Heitke
Mr. Heitke was whistleblowing, revealing from his time at the coalface that Beijing Biden and Commie La-La were intentionally flooding the country with illegal aliens, including terrorists, and ordering those at the coal-face to keep mum about it.
You can see that clip on Forbes Breaking News's YouTube Channel. Unlike Stuffed or the New Zealand Ferald, Forbes allows comments. Here are some about Mr Heitke's revelations
Sounds like treason to me.
Thank you for your service. The criminals need to be prosecuted
How can anyone in their right mind vote for anyone associated with the current administration! This is what courage looks like. Lord protect this man. I pray for this Brave Whistleblower they should be brought up on charges for this… insane.
Expect CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC et al to completely ignore this.
One Brave Agent! Telling the truth! Nothing will change under this administration! FJB!!
I work in US Immigration: it's a joke. Sad but true. Also: charter flights full of Indians bound for Fresno, California. Has to be “organized” even before planes take off from New Delhi. Something is REALLY rotten.
Grounds for impeachment and incarceration! Briben/Harris need to be held accountable for this, and Mayorkas should be in prison.
And much more in that vein. Asked for comment on Whistleblower Heitke's testimony, Commie La-La had this to say
Mayorkis, Homeland Security Secretary, has been impeached by the House, The Senate, controlled by the Dirty Dems, refused to proceed with a trial.
Mayorkis should be in prison, along with FBI Director Chris Wray, and Beijing Biden and Commie La-La.
Mayorkis goes before Congress and flat out lies through his teeth. That's called perjur
Christopher Wray lies through his teeth also, but is more artful. Here he is on the attempt to assassinate Orange.
That was after the first assassination attempt, where Wray cast doubt on the fact that Orange had been shot at all, suggesting he may have been merely glanced by a random fragment. After the second, he said:
“I’m relieved that former President Trump is safe, and I want the American people to know the men and women of the FBI are working tirelessly to get to the bottom of what happened. [There he goes again] Our work is very much ongoing, and we’re just a few days into the investigation, so we’re limited in what we can say at this point.”
Which I translate as: “I'm really pissed off that former President Trump is safe. We are working tirelessly to make sure he's not safe for long and to cover our asses as we do so. We'll slow-walk and stonewall at every turn to that end. We will leave no stone unturned, no rooftop protected, no golf course secured, no Woke brick portaloo unutilised, no plane ticket unpaid for, no bounty undisclosed, in our efforts to facilitate the taking down of this threat to our power … er, our democracy.”
It was Christopher Wray, remember, who led the FBI's efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2020 election – the laptop that contains much more than salacious sex and cocaine stuff – a mere bagatelle – it's there that all the sordid bribery by foreign powers is recorded, as Rudi Guiliani, who has a copy, reminded a Trump rally recently.
You can perhaps now better realise why OEO – Operation Eliminate Orange – has become more and more desperate. All of this will come out if Orange Man Bad wins. He must be Orange Man Dead.
The afore-mentioned excrement known as Commie La-La went on with the blancmange known as Oprah – her only foray into media territory, even though that territory is fawnsville – and gushed and vomited out her sickly word salads. She, the Border Tsar who has sought to destroy America with her open border, allowing an invasion by 20 million barbarians, had the nerve to dribble on with this pus. Even Oprah was embarrassed, as evinced by her dismissive “hm” at the end of the trail of slime
Is this evil witch who vocal-fries that there is more that unites Americans than divides them IOI? In On It? In on the Deep State's effort to jail or better yet assassinate her rival? I know you might think I might think this, but I couldn't possibly comment!
Whatever, it'll be over Rudy's dead body
I've been down
Counted out
Smiling through the taste of blood
In my own mouth
I got bruises
Broken bones
But they don' know
I ain't in this ring alone
I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
I was born to be a do or die-er
A make it righter
Don't throw that towel just yet
Don't cash in that last bet
Cause I hit harder when I'm tired
I'm a fighter
I get back up
That’s what I do
I didn’t soldier on this far just to lose
So take your shot
Is that all you got?
I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
I was born to be a do or die-er
A make it righter
Don't throw that towel just yet
Don't cash in that last bet
Cause I hit harder when I'm tired
I'm a fighter
No one can keep me down
They didn’t know but they know now
That I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
Don't cash in that last bet
Don't throw that towel just yet
I’m a fighter
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The irascible Lindsay Perigo returned for the weekly Perigo’s Perspective. This episode, he opined on the continued threats to President Trump in the lead up to the US election. And he didn’t hold back!
Aaron Heitke. H E I T K E. You've not heard the name, have you? The Marxist Media Maggotry should have apprised you of it with blaring headlines. Being the Marxist Media Maggotry, aka Pravda, aka propaganda organs for the Democrat Party in the States, and Hard Labour, The Shoplifters' Party and Te Paaaaati Apaaaartheid here, they didn't apprise you of it with blaring headlines.
Aaron Heitke is a retired Chief Patrol Agent for US Customs and Border Protection. Last week he testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security that while in that job he had been forbidden by the regime of Beijing Biden and Commie La-La to say anything publicly about the dramatic surge in “SIA's” – Significant Interest Aliens – known terrorists – crossing the Southern border since Beijing and Commie La-La the Border Tsar opened it right up to anyone and everyone.
Here is Aaron Heitke
Mr. Heitke was whistleblowing, revealing from his time at the coalface that Beijing Biden and Commie La-La were intentionally flooding the country with illegal aliens, including terrorists, and ordering those at the coal-face to keep mum about it.
You can see that clip on Forbes Breaking News's YouTube Channel. Unlike Stuffed or the New Zealand Ferald, Forbes allows comments. Here are some about Mr Heitke's revelations
Sounds like treason to me.
Thank you for your service. The criminals need to be prosecuted
How can anyone in their right mind vote for anyone associated with the current administration! This is what courage looks like. Lord protect this man. I pray for this Brave Whistleblower they should be brought up on charges for this… insane.
Expect CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC et al to completely ignore this.
One Brave Agent! Telling the truth! Nothing will change under this administration! FJB!!
I work in US Immigration: it's a joke. Sad but true. Also: charter flights full of Indians bound for Fresno, California. Has to be “organized” even before planes take off from New Delhi. Something is REALLY rotten.
Grounds for impeachment and incarceration! Briben/Harris need to be held accountable for this, and Mayorkas should be in prison.
And much more in that vein. Asked for comment on Whistleblower Heitke's testimony, Commie La-La had this to say
Mayorkis, Homeland Security Secretary, has been impeached by the House, The Senate, controlled by the Dirty Dems, refused to proceed with a trial.
Mayorkis should be in prison, along with FBI Director Chris Wray, and Beijing Biden and Commie La-La.
Mayorkis goes before Congress and flat out lies through his teeth. That's called perjur
Christopher Wray lies through his teeth also, but is more artful. Here he is on the attempt to assassinate Orange.
That was after the first assassination attempt, where Wray cast doubt on the fact that Orange had been shot at all, suggesting he may have been merely glanced by a random fragment. After the second, he said:
“I’m relieved that former President Trump is safe, and I want the American people to know the men and women of the FBI are working tirelessly to get to the bottom of what happened. [There he goes again] Our work is very much ongoing, and we’re just a few days into the investigation, so we’re limited in what we can say at this point.”
Which I translate as: “I'm really pissed off that former President Trump is safe. We are working tirelessly to make sure he's not safe for long and to cover our asses as we do so. We'll slow-walk and stonewall at every turn to that end. We will leave no stone unturned, no rooftop protected, no golf course secured, no Woke brick portaloo unutilised, no plane ticket unpaid for, no bounty undisclosed, in our efforts to facilitate the taking down of this threat to our power … er, our democracy.”
It was Christopher Wray, remember, who led the FBI's efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2020 election – the laptop that contains much more than salacious sex and cocaine stuff – a mere bagatelle – it's there that all the sordid bribery by foreign powers is recorded, as Rudi Guiliani, who has a copy, reminded a Trump rally recently.
You can perhaps now better realise why OEO – Operation Eliminate Orange – has become more and more desperate. All of this will come out if Orange Man Bad wins. He must be Orange Man Dead.
The afore-mentioned excrement known as Commie La-La went on with the blancmange known as Oprah – her only foray into media territory, even though that territory is fawnsville – and gushed and vomited out her sickly word salads. She, the Border Tsar who has sought to destroy America with her open border, allowing an invasion by 20 million barbarians, had the nerve to dribble on with this pus. Even Oprah was embarrassed, as evinced by her dismissive “hm” at the end of the trail of slime
Is this evil witch who vocal-fries that there is more that unites Americans than divides them IOI? In On It? In on the Deep State's effort to jail or better yet assassinate her rival? I know you might think I might think this, but I couldn't possibly comment!
Whatever, it'll be over Rudy's dead body
I've been down
Counted out
Smiling through the taste of blood
In my own mouth
I got bruises
Broken bones
But they don' know
I ain't in this ring alone
I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
I was born to be a do or die-er
A make it righter
Don't throw that towel just yet
Don't cash in that last bet
Cause I hit harder when I'm tired
I'm a fighter
I get back up
That’s what I do
I didn’t soldier on this far just to lose
So take your shot
Is that all you got?
I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
I was born to be a do or die-er
A make it righter
Don't throw that towel just yet
Don't cash in that last bet
Cause I hit harder when I'm tired
I'm a fighter
No one can keep me down
They didn’t know but they know now
That I'm a fighter
No one can say that I'm a run and hider
Don't cash in that last bet
Don't throw that towel just yet
I’m a fighter