Alistair Harding drops in for the latest edition of Our Digital Future. This week, he speaks to wealth management expert Simon Angelo about the effect CBDCs will have on the banking system, and Farzin Irani about what it's like to live in India with the Digital ID system that has become compulsory in everything but law.

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Alistair Harding drops in for the latest edition of Our Digital Future. This week, he speaks to wealth management expert Simon Angelo about the effect CBDCs will have on the banking system, and Farzin Irani about what it's like to live in India with the Digital ID system that has become compulsory in everything but law.

If you liked this, you may also like:

OUR DIGITAL FUTURE: JAMES CORBETT: Independent Journalist: On CBDCs, Digital IDs, And More

OUR DIGITAL FUTURE: Catherine Austin Fitts: CBDCs: On the Unified Ledger, Programmability, And The Possibility Of Central Bank Control Over How We Spend Our Money

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