Legal Hub: On Whistleblowers, Free Speech And The White House, The Newsguard Case, And More On International Health Regulations

Legal Hub returns with Katie Ashby-Koppens and Nick Kearney to tackle whistleblowers, free speech and the White House, the Newsguard case, and more on the IHR.

You can access the recently released Cabinet Report regarding the WHO IHR Amendments here:

Cabinet material and briefings: Minor Amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005: Approval for Binding Action | Ministry of Health NZ

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Legal Hub: On Whistleblowers, Free Speech And The White House, The Newsguard Case, And More On International Health Regulations

Legal Hub returns with Katie Ashby-Koppens and Nick Kearney to tackle whistleblowers, free speech and the White House, the Newsguard case, and more on the IHR.

You can access the recently released Cabinet Report regarding the WHO IHR Amendments here:

Cabinet material and briefings: Minor Amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005: Approval for Binding Action | Ministry of Health NZ

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