Global Shift on Gender Medicine: Why Is New Zealand Falling Behind?
Bombshell insights on the growing global shift away from youth gender treatments: While Australia and Trump pulled the plug on under-19 transitions, New Zealand seems stuck in neutral. Jan Rivers exposes a 50-fold surge in gender dysphoria cases and called out politicians' reluctance to touch this hot topic. “Children's futures are at the heart of this decision,” she warned, pointing to Europe's widespread reviews and Queensland's therapy freeze until 2026.

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Global Shift on Gender Medicine: Why Is New Zealand Falling Behind?
Bombshell insights on the growing global shift away from youth gender treatments: While Australia and Trump pulled the plug on under-19 transitions, New Zealand seems stuck in neutral. Jan Rivers exposes a 50-fold surge in gender dysphoria cases and called out politicians' reluctance to touch this hot topic. “Children's futures are at the heart of this decision,” she warned, pointing to Europe's widespread reviews and Queensland's therapy freeze until 2026.

To follow Jan and this issue:

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