Ngati Toa leader and Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Helmut Modlik, caught up with Paul to explain why he opposes the Treaty Principles Bill and supports the hikoi explaining why
he and six other senior members of Ngāti Toa walked out of Parliament during the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill.
For more from Helmut check out,
Website: ngatitoa.iwi.nz/exec
Article: Helmut Modlik: We’re building our own rangatiratanga
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Ngati Toa leader and Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Helmut Modlik, caught up with Paul to explain why he opposes the Treaty Principles Bill and supports the hikoi explaining why
he and six other senior members of Ngāti Toa walked out of Parliament during the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill.
For more from Helmut check out,
Website: ngatitoa.iwi.nz/exec
Article: Helmut Modlik: We’re building our own rangatiratanga