HEALTH HACKS: Insulin Resistance: On The History And Mechanism Of Diabetes And Insulin And Listener Suggestions For A ‘Bad Food' Specific Disease Name
It's time for our regular Monday feature, Health Hacks with Dr Glen Davies of reversalnz.co.nz. Dr Davies and Paul discuss insulin resistance, and respond to listener suggestions to give ‘bad food' a specific disease name.
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HEALTH HACKS: Insulin Resistance: On The History And Mechanism Of Diabetes And Insulin And Listener Suggestions For A ‘Bad Food' Specific Disease Name
It's time for our regular Monday feature, Health Hacks with Dr Glen Davies of reversalnz.co.nz. Dr Davies and Paul discuss insulin resistance, and respond to listener suggestions to give ‘bad food' a specific disease name.
If you liked this, you may also like:
HEALTH HACKS: Ultra Processed Food (UPF): On Name Shaming Bad Food