GLEN CROWTHER: Executive Director of Sustainable Bay of Plenty Trust: On Tauranga City Council's Massive Debt Increase and Problems with Their Long-Term Plan

Glen Crowther, Executive Director of Sustainable Bay of Plenty Trust, speaks with Paul about Tauranga City Council's “massive increase in debt”, and the problems he sees with their long-term plan, which closes for consultation this Friday.

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GLEN CROWTHER: Executive Director of Sustainable Bay of Plenty Trust: On Tauranga City Council's Massive Debt Increase and Problems with Their Long-Term Plan

Glen Crowther, Executive Director of Sustainable Bay of Plenty Trust, speaks with Paul about Tauranga City Council's “massive increase in debt”, and the problems he sees with their long-term plan, which closes for consultation this Friday.

If you liked this, you may also like:

DR ERIC CRAMPTON: Chief Economist At The New Zealand Initiative: On The Soaring Council Debt And What This Means For Ratepayer And Community Assets

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