Genetic Engineering experts Guy Hatchard, Jodie Bruning, & Jon Carapiet, joined Paul for an eye opening discussion exposing critical concerns about New Zealand's controversial Gene Technology Bill. The fast-tracked legislation, championed by Science Minister Judith Collins, faced scrutiny over potential conflicts of interest and lack of public consultation. Highlighted was how it could impact New Zealand's food system integrity the Panel revealed that 94% of food could escape regulation under the proposed changes.
Jodie Bruning, Trustee, Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Jon Carapiet, spokesman, GE Free NZ
Guy Hatchard, The Hatchard Report and Campaign for Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation
The Bill will be introduced in the house this week, first reading – Tuesday Dec 17th, as per the order paper:
Order Paper
Relevant documents published last week on MBIE's site – 10 December.
The Gene Technology Bill’s disclosure statement
Regulation of Gene Technologies – Policy Decisions
Regulation of gene technologies – policy decisions – Minute of Decision
Regulation of Gene Technologies – Policy Decisions: Proactive Release of Advice
Regulatory Impact Statement – Reform of Gene Technology Regulation
Jodie’s article from the Daily Telegraph NZoutlines several criticisms of Judith Collins’ proposed gene technology bill.
Guy's response to SMC expert commentary
An article in the UK Guardian on 12 December entitled ‘Unprecedented risk’ to life on Earth: Scientists call for halt on ‘mirror life’ microbe research. A 38 strong international group of Nobel laureates and other distinguished bioscientists have warned that “mirror bacteria, constructed from mirror images of molecules found in nature, could become established in the environment and slip past the immune defences of natural organisms, putting humans, animals and plants at risk of lethal infections that could spread without check”.
The concerns over the technology are revealed in a 299-page report and a commentary in the journal Science.
Write to your MP and say no the Gene Technology Bill. For more information see our report Response to Expert Opinions Issued by the Science Media Centre in Support of the Gene Technology Bill.
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Genetic Engineering experts Guy Hatchard, Jodie Bruning, & Jon Carapiet, joined Paul for an eye opening discussion exposing critical concerns about New Zealand's controversial Gene Technology Bill. The fast-tracked legislation, championed by Science Minister Judith Collins, faced scrutiny over potential conflicts of interest and lack of public consultation. Highlighted was how it could impact New Zealand's food system integrity the Panel revealed that 94% of food could escape regulation under the proposed changes.
Jodie Bruning, Trustee, Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility
Jon Carapiet, spokesman, GE Free NZ
Guy Hatchard, The Hatchard Report and Campaign for Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation
The Bill will be introduced in the house this week, first reading – Tuesday Dec 17th, as per the order paper:
Order Paper
Relevant documents published last week on MBIE's site – 10 December.
The Gene Technology Bill’s disclosure statement
Regulation of Gene Technologies – Policy Decisions
Regulation of gene technologies – policy decisions – Minute of Decision
Regulation of Gene Technologies – Policy Decisions: Proactive Release of Advice
Regulatory Impact Statement – Reform of Gene Technology Regulation
Jodie’s article from the Daily Telegraph NZoutlines several criticisms of Judith Collins’ proposed gene technology bill.
Guy's response to SMC expert commentary
An article in the UK Guardian on 12 December entitled ‘Unprecedented risk’ to life on Earth: Scientists call for halt on ‘mirror life’ microbe research. A 38 strong international group of Nobel laureates and other distinguished bioscientists have warned that “mirror bacteria, constructed from mirror images of molecules found in nature, could become established in the environment and slip past the immune defences of natural organisms, putting humans, animals and plants at risk of lethal infections that could spread without check”.
The concerns over the technology are revealed in a 299-page report and a commentary in the journal Science.
Write to your MP and say no the Gene Technology Bill. For more information see our report Response to Expert Opinions Issued by the Science Media Centre in Support of the Gene Technology Bill.