DR CINDY DE VILLIERS: On The Sold-Out NZDSOS Conference This Weekend

Dr Cindy De Villiers of NZDSOS updates us on their sold-out conference this weekend, ‘Truth, Justice & Healing’. 

The conference is on this Saturday 16 September in the Grand Hall at Eden Park, Auckland. It includes a full day of authentic discussion concerning the events of the last three years, followed by an additional in-person meet and greet event. The evening will close with a screening of the New Zealand documentary ‘Silenced’.

Speakers include local heroes such as Dr Matt Shelton, Dr Guy Hatchard and Jodie Bruning, as well as international heavyweights Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, and Dr David Nixon.

If you would like to tune in to the conference this Saturday, you can purchase a livestream pass: Announcing NZDSOS Conference 2023 Live Stream Access | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science

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DR CINDY DE VILLIERS: On The Sold-Out NZDSOS Conference This Weekend

Dr Cindy De Villiers of NZDSOS updates us on their sold-out conference this weekend, ‘Truth, Justice & Healing’. 

The conference is on this Saturday 16 September in the Grand Hall at Eden Park, Auckland. It includes a full day of authentic discussion concerning the events of the last three years, followed by an additional in-person meet and greet event. The evening will close with a screening of the New Zealand documentary ‘Silenced’.

Speakers include local heroes such as Dr Matt Shelton, Dr Guy Hatchard and Jodie Bruning, as well as international heavyweights Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, and Dr David Nixon.

If you would like to tune in to the conference this Saturday, you can purchase a livestream pass: Announcing NZDSOS Conference 2023 Live Stream Access | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science

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