Di Landy and Sarah Henderson of Mana Wahine Korero, joined us to share their oral submission to the Parliament Petitions Select Committee on the Midwifery Council’s (mis)use of Te Reo Maori in its revised Scope of Practice. The powers-that-be would not allow the submission to be publicly released, so RCR has put it out on the airwaves!
For more from Di and Sarah, follow them on:

X: @mkorero

You can support them by:
Buying them a coffee
Purchasing a t-shirt from their Mana Wahine Korero collection

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Di Landy and Sarah Henderson of Mana Wahine Korero, joined us to share their oral submission to the Parliament Petitions Select Committee on the Midwifery Council’s (mis)use of Te Reo Maori in its revised Scope of Practice. The powers-that-be would not allow the submission to be publicly released, so RCR has put it out on the airwaves!
For more from Di and Sarah, follow them on:

X: @mkorero

You can support them by:
Buying them a coffee
Purchasing a t-shirt from their Mana Wahine Korero collection

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