Join RCR host Rodney Hide and Family First's Bob McCoskrie as they delve into the heartbreaking story of Judy, the midwife who witnessed a 24-week aborted baby born alive and left to die. They explore the controversial legislation changes made during the COVID era, the statistics behind late-term abortions, and what public polling reveals about New Zealanders’ views on these laws.
This eye-opening discussion examines the implications of these policies and the growing demand for change.
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Say ‘NO' to the barbaric law that denies unwanted babies born alive the right to live! HERE
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Join RCR host Rodney Hide and Family First's Bob McCoskrie as they delve into the heartbreaking story of Judy, the midwife who witnessed a 24-week aborted baby born alive and left to die. They explore the controversial legislation changes made during the COVID era, the statistics behind late-term abortions, and what public polling reveals about New Zealanders’ views on these laws.
This eye-opening discussion examines the implications of these policies and the growing demand for change.
Register Your Concern
Say ‘NO' to the barbaric law that denies unwanted babies born alive the right to live! HERE