ANNE MARIE WATERS: Writer And UKIP Political Candidate: On Current Affairs In The UK Since Her 2018 Book, ‘Beyond Terror: Islam's Slow Erosion Of Western Democracy'
Anne Marie Waters, writer and UKIP political candidate from the UK, reflects on current affairs in the UK since the publication of her 2018 book, ‘Beyond Terror: Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy’.
Anne Marie's Book: ‘Beyond Terror: Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy’
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ANNE MARIE WATERS: Writer And UKIP Political Candidate: On Current Affairs In The UK Since Her 2018 Book, ‘Beyond Terror: Islam's Slow Erosion Of Western Democracy'
Anne Marie Waters, writer and UKIP political candidate from the UK, reflects on current affairs in the UK since the publication of her 2018 book, ‘Beyond Terror: Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy’.
Anne Marie's Book: ‘Beyond Terror: Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy’