Karl du Fresne
27 March, 2023
So. We now know the person who tipped a litre of tomato juice over Posie Parker is a refugee from Colombia.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Eliana Rubashkyn, who describes herself as intersex and trans, came to New Zealand from a country notorious for its violence and corruption. She has been granted residency in one of the freest, most tolerant countries on earth. She is on record herself as calling New Zealand paradise.
She benefits from our rights and freedoms – rights and freedoms not exactly abundant in her country of origin – and this is how she repays her host country? By denying her fellow citizens the right to hear a speech by someone she doesn’t approve of? By aligning herself with thugs and bullies who would probably feel quite at home in Latin America?
Lest there should be any doubt, I applaud the fact that New Zealand welcomes people from countries with troubled histories. We should share our good fortune. It’s one of the qualities that make this one of the most civilised countries in the world.
Metaphorically speaking, that bottle of tomato juice was tipped over the country that gave Rubashkyn refuge. I hope she reflects on that, but it’s unlikely. She will be too busy bathing in the unabashed admiration of the media and her friends on the woke Left, who present arguably the gravest danger to democracy in our history.
Now, a question. Will the New Zealand Police be charging Rubashkyn with common assault? They know her identity; the whole country does. What’s more, the crime was witnessed by everyone who watched the TV news. Self-defence is unlikely to fly as a justification. So what’s stopping them?
Oh, and one other thing. Is anyone else struck by the contrast between journalists' obvious approval of yesterday’s violent mob and the media's contemptuous attitude toward the deplorables (for so they were depicted, even though their protest was mostly peaceful) who occupied the grounds of Parliament last year?
Karl du Fresne, a freelance journalist, is the former editor of The Dominion newspaper. He blogs at karldufresne.blogspot.co.nz.
She can go back from where she came from
Don't you mean he?
How about chucking her back to Columbia. Why do we put up with that nonsense from refugees when we have enough problems here.
At the very least, charge her with assault, disorderly conduct, with intent to harm.
Police are becoming mouth pieces for wokeness.
Where's the assist for the victims by Police as Posy Parker was on that day?
Stop generalizing with your comment about refugees….compartmentalising people is archaic and unhelpful. Stop it.
Entirely agree Catherine.
Why don’t WE New Zealand deport troublesome people from our country. SHE or HE should have a record by now. She’s not representing all of her fellow gender
She came into Nz because we were shown to be accepting of minority genders as our non discrimination law states.
It’s Posie that shouldn’t have been allowed in.
It’s Posie that’s behaving unlawfully in Nz.
She's already left for New York, where apparently she's going to, and I quote “Slaaaay”. You can find this on Twitter I believe.
Glad that as far as I know Eliana Rubashkyn is finally being charged.. Deportation is a good idea. Back to Columbia for you Eliana Rubashkyn!! Why should NZ put up with any non born NZers who do not obey the law. Aussie is happily deporting plane loads of people back to NZ, some of whom have not committed a crime for a number of years and also have lived in Aussie since they were young. Our Judges are mostly just clones of the Woke Government (all parties). Doubt that they will do this but it needs to happen. Not just for Eliana Rubashkyn but for many people who have come to NZ and commited crimes.
Don't you mean he?
I agree, chuck it out of the country , but it wont happen , YOU all need to think about whom you vote for this election ???
well what did you expect from the trans left , she ,he ,it, who ,will never ever be held to account , this is the problem with NZ , next we will have Maori wanting to control our water supply go figure ???
The chaos that was viewed om TV showed that security was lapse. The police do not prosecute all cases as they have become a political tool and as such lack balance and most importantly they lack impartiality.
If people come here as a refugee or immigrate they do so agreeing to uphold our laws. If they break our laws I’m sorry but they should be deported back