This is an educational resource created by RCR. RCR is not affiliated with the NZ Royal Commission COVID-19 Lessons Learned public consultation.

Signatures so far 34,242

The Official Covid-19 Inquiry Is Being “Reviewed”, Do You Trust Them To Do It Properly?

The Official Covid-19 Inquiry Is Being “Reviewed”, Do You Trust Them To Do It Properly?

NZ's Royal Commission is asking for public feedback on the scope of the Inquiry. As of today, it is woefully inadequate giving them free rein to conclude whatever they want.

All Kiwis should demand that an independent, full-scale, wide-ranging public inquiry into NZ's Covid response be undertaken. Without one, there will be nothing to stop future government abuse of your fundamental human rights again.

If you suffered during the lockdown, now is your only chance to do something about it. Register your support for The People's Terms today (while you still can).

The scope of the current COVID-19 Inquiry is narrow and restrictive, seeking to ‘learn lessons' and not find fault.

The People's Terms is an independent, comprehensive, and targeted set of terms that fundamentally redefines how the inquiry should operate and what will be reviewed.

View Summarised Terms | View Full Terms

The official opportunity for feedback has now closed. However, we have an opportunity to present The People's Terms directly to Government, so we will continue to collect signatures until that time.

f left to their own devices, officials and bureaucrats will cherry-pick and omit whatever they want to “find” a result that favours them. The People's Terms close the loopholes to leave no stone unturned, ensuring such an abuse of power never happens again.

Secondly, public pressure works to achieve results. Your participation in this campaign provides the political pressure required to drive accountability for decisions made during the Covid years. Add your name to The People's Terms and tell the coalition government you want a proper inquiry!

The People's Terms has been presented to the Royal Commission Covid-19 Inquiry. The official opportunity for feedback has now closed. However, we have an opportunity to present The People's Terms directly to Government, so we will continue to collect signatures until that time.

Advertising for The People's Terms in various media, including print, radio, and social media, will continue for the feedback period to achieve maximum numbers.

Following the delivery of The People's Terms, we will continue to publicise the Terms and pressure the Government to fulfil its promise of an independent, full-scale, wide-ranging public inquiry.

Sign The People's Terms

Sign The People's Terms

Demand a proper inquiry!

Simple terms here.
Long terms here

Simple terms here.
Long terms here

Explain what were are going to do with their submission.

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