Liz, Medical. Waikato, NZ.
I have a severe allergy to the preservative commonly used in vaccines. I have twice before gone into anaphylactic shock and almost died. I suffered debilitating headaches for at least three months after each adverse reaction.
I consulted with my doctor who said that there was a very high risk of the Covid 19 vaccination causing anaphylactic shock again.
I asked if she could organise a medical exemption for me to save my life.
She sadly informed me that she would have her license to practice as a doctor in New Zealand revoked if she did so.
I was horrified that my own government would impose a potential death sentence upon me, (for an experimental unproven vaccine as disclosed in a 29 page document Pfizer was forced to provide a judge in USA).
I was further horrified that I was also denied the right to informed consent according to the Nuremberg Code (a one page tick box is not informed consent).
I was deeply shaken that my doctor, whom I had trusted, would be required by the New Zealand government to break the Hippocratic Oath she took upon becoming a doctor (to do no harm).
There were great ramifications for me in choosing life over death:
I was immediately mandated out of my job, that I had loved for three years, in a big pharmacy. My employer was distraught, as he did not want to lose my expertise. He suffered financially as a result from loss of earnings.
I struggled for three months to find any kind of employment as an unvaccinated person. Companies wanted my expertise but told me “their hands were tied” by New Zealand government mandates. I finally found a job packing parcels in a warehouse, which was a total waste of my skills.
Ramifications continued in every aspect of life. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stated that she approved of a “two class” system for New Zealanders.
As a result I was barred from education institutions, medical providers, places of hospitality, community events, libraries, public swimming pools, gyms, stores, public transport, churches and more. It was humiliating, distressing, and completely unnecessary.
My own doctor and my previous employers can verify that I am a very healthy person with a robust immunity and I have not suffered any viral illness of any form for years.
I did not pose a risk to anyone at all. Yet I was deprived of the normal rights of a citizen of a “democratic and free” country, put into financial hardship and victimised as an “anti vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist.”
I do not wish that kind of treatment on even my worst enemy.
I do not wish to see a repeat of these draconian and unnecessary regulations again that threatened my very life.
Given the very small percentage of people who got Covid, most of whom found it no worse than a seasonal flu, I believe each person should be given freedom of choice whether to get vaccinated or not, and should also be provided with proper informed consent information to make that decision. Employers should have the ability to choose if they wish to have staff vaccinated, and not forced to dismiss competent, healthy staff without adequate reason.
People who have valid medical reasons for not taking vaccinations should be protected, not forced into a death sentence or suffer permanent disability. I personally have five close friends who suffered cardiac arrest from the mandated vaccinations, two of whom also had to have stents put in. All have ongoing medical problems for the rest of their lives, all were physically fit and healthy with no previous heart conditions.
I have a close friend who is highly allergic to vaccines like me. He is the sole provider for three young children. Because of the mandates he was forced to take the vaccinations. He immediately went into anaphylactic shock and was paralysed for five days on the side where it was administered. His employer was adamant that he had to take the second vaccination to keep his job, as it was mandated, and he was not allowed and exception. He had it on the other side, administered at a hospital, went into severe anaphylactic shock and was paralysed on this other side of his body for 6 days, and has had broken health ever since, finally incapacitated for work. His children have been severely traumatised as well and life is a struggle now. This is cruel and heartless, unjustified, and clearly abuse of the worst possible kind.
Quite frankly I am disgusted by the way Covid 19 was “managed” in New Zealand. There needs to be a proper enquiry, not a white wash.