Keiko, Teacher. Waikato, NZ.
Hello, thank you for the opportunity for me to share my lived experiences.
The overblown, disproportionate measures such as lockdown and the border closure made some undesirable negative impact on my life and others around me.
1 I work at a secondary school and I am in charge of the international students. A group of 35 students from our sister school was scheduled to arrive in the middle of March 2020 but their trip was canceled just a few weeks before their arrival date. The disappointment of the students in both schools was beyond words. The international students who were already here were locked down at home instead of enjoying every moment of their school life though they had been given the once in lifetime experience.
2 I had to cancel my trip with my daughter to see my family in Japan in July 2020. I had no idea when I could go back to Japan again seeing how heavily the country is handling the flu. I had never felt so far away from my family at this time as ever.
The campaign to vaccinate the whole population with the Covid vaccine divided the country, friends, families, work colleagues with the introduction of vaccine pass and mandates.
3 The government mandated all the workers in the education sector to be vaccinated. I refused to follow the mandate. I lost my permanent job on 15 November 2021. I did not receive any farewell or appreciation. I was told I would have to pay a fine, something like $4000 if I turn up to the school. I was treated like a criminal.
The media stated that it was the pandemic of the unvaccinated and falsely alleged that the unvaccinated will transmit the virus to the students who were not vaccinated. The unvaccinated were called selfish and demonized. Some students, parents and teachers might have thought I deserved to lose my job.
I went back to the same school as a reliever when the mandate was lifted in May 2022. In the year of 2022, I was very busy relieving all the teachers who were sick from the Covid. The teachers who were vaccinated and kept the job all got contracted by Covid one by one. I was never sick so it was not me, the unvaccinated, who transmitted the disease to all the teachers.
4 I wanted to see a doctor to get an exemption. I could not enter the clinic as I was unvaccinated so she saw me in the carpark.
5 I felt very uncomfortable when I had to line up spaced apart to be allowed to go in and get my groceries. Seeing people with a mask made me think I was in a very weird place. I wonder how it was for children, not being able to see facial expressions.
6 I observed people I know, one of the host families, the past principal of my school, a 28 year old daughter of one of my friends die suddenly after receiving the Covid vaccines.
Hello. These are the lessons I learned.
1. Whatever the circumstances are, New Zealand should never lock down the population. Whatever flu is seen around, every aspect in the society, people, businesses, schools, flights should carry on as normal. It is against the Natural Law to restrict people's movement.
2 The population needs to be educated on nutrition and how to strengthen their immunity.
3 The government should never mandate any medical treatment on the population ever again.
4.New Zealand should exit the World Health Organisation. Consequently, there will be no more false pandemic.
According to Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University, the median infection fatality rate of Covid-19 for those under 70 was just 0.04%. It says in the CDC website, “CDC's Respiratory Virus Guidance provides practical recommendations and information to help people lower health risks posed by a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV.” Covid-19 was never a pandemic. It was merely a type of flu.
5 I learned that the New Zealand government is working for the interest of external entities, and the United Nations have great influence on New Zealand. We should always watch what the government is doing and scrutinize why they are doing it.
6 I learned not to trust the medical system of New Zealand as a whole. Our doctors are at the mercy of the Medical Council.