Katie, Administrator. Southland, NZ.
My oldest son was banned from education at the Southern Institute of Technology for not being injected. Here their letter: “As of 11 February 2022, only people who are fully vaccinated, will be permitted on any SIT premises, this includes learners, staff, directors, visitors and contractors. This means that you will need to have your second vaccination prior to your first day of study. You can upload your vaccination pass now….”. The big irony in that is only month prior my son received the Vocational Award signed by no other than Jacinda Ardern for his outstanding achievements and a two years later and mandates gone, he was awarded ‘Top Student' in his course by SIT.
My youngest son's High School insisted on Covid ‘vaccination' records even when mandates were gone and on mask wearing even when there was no legal requirement. He got really angry when Rugby NZ considered only jabbed kids are allowed to play and that parents wanting to watch their kids play had to be jabbed.
My husband's daughter who he had not seen for nine years and his granddaughter whom he never met in person, had to cancel their first ever visit to us from Europe due to the lockdown in NZ.
I will never forget or forgive what the Labour govt and their nasty and heartless enforcers put us through and how they changed negatively our once great Nation and its societal fabric. SHAME ON YOU!!!