Deb (61), Contract Typist From Home. Waikato, NZ.

The whole ‘thing' from go to now – it has NEVER stopped; we are STILL being offered covid boosters!!! and it has just been the most awful time to live through.

Other countries have stopped this.

Some countries have even left the World Health Organisation so as not to be a part of this anymore.

Instead of paying the WHO; all the money could go into our health system!

My mental health has suffered and now, when in groups of people, I suffer panic attacks as no one is the same as they were before this – social distancing made everyone wary of each other and, along with all the divisions and lockdowns, we are ALL affected long term.

Families were split up, loved ones had to die on their own; hugely stressful and unforgettable on both sides when families could not sit with loved ones when they passed OR EVEN SEE THEM before!!!!

Employment and income was affected for everyone and look at all the family businesses that had to close and never recovered.

Our health system has never been the same.

We still have to watch all the sickness and death happening around us on a daily basis.

There is an obvious higher death rate than normal – WHY?

Right from the start, there were lots of contradictions – from the top – such as “masks don't work” and, then, “we all had to wear masks!” That made people sick as they were breathing in their expelled air which we are not meant to do.

An obvious contradiction was, there was not allowed to be a live lotto draw (involving few people) BUT, the government vehicle that is Shortland Street, carried on filming with NO masks and NO social distancing with, sometimes, over 100 people featuring! Go figure.

People were made fearful and fearful of each other.

Friendships were destroyed.

The paid off, one-sided media, pushed and still are pushing the whole ‘thing' along.

This proposed ‘pandemic preparedness' is NOT a balanced covid inquiry! It is not even impartial with the people involved to ‘prepare' us for the next pandemic; that tells us everything.

It just goes on and on…..a never-ending story.

Our food and supply chains are all being affected etc etc.

If you want rid of all us unimportant minions; just line us up and shoot us OR send us to the gas chambers. History sure IS repeating itself.

I'm suicidal enough to not want to live in the world you have planned for us; thanks for that!

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