Babies Are Being Born Alive And Left To Die, Right Here In New Zealand…
The cruel reality of New Zealand's late-term abortion laws are that vulnerable newborns born alive are left to die without mercy.
Register your concern of this barbaric legislation that denies unwanted babies the right to live.
Your voice matters. Use it to say no.
Central Bank Digital Currency EXPOSED!
Uncover The Truth, Lies, And Misconceptions Behind The New “Programmable Money” Designed For Population Control

Aaron Day
US Author, Investor, & Entrepreneur

Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment Banker & Former US Public Official

James Corbett
Independent Journalist

Efrat Fenigson
Independent Journalist

Farzin Irani
Wealth Management Expert

Jodie Bruning

Simon Angelo
Wealth Management Expert

Michael Reddell
Independent Economic Commentator

Andrew Lowenthal
Independent Journalist
Get Answers To The Burning Questions:
All these questions and more answered in the full series…
Politicians Claim It Isn't Happening, But First-Hand Testimony Suggests Otherwise
Politicians Claim It Isn't Happening, But First-Hand Testimony Says Otherwise…
The following RCR interview details the heartbreaking testimony of a New Zealand midwife forced to participate in the delivery of a late-term abortion, and stand by as the living, breathing baby died slowly over two hours, because the current abortion law prohibits life-saving aid.
This shines light on the urgent need for change. This story is not isolated—it’s a legal reality, and it must be addressed.
Why Is It So Dangerous?
Why Is It So Dangerous?
Firstly, because all transactions have the same endpoint, they are easily controlled by a handful of very powerful people. People who don’t have your best interests at heart.
Secondly, because it's programmable by design, the Central Bank will be able to control how much money you can have and what you’re allowed to spend it on. There will be zero financial privacy!
In other words, if you’re a good little boy or girl and you obey their rules, you could be rewarded! Just like we see in China today!
But if not.. If you say the wrong thing, post an unfavourable comment online, criticise the government out loud, buy something with too many associated carbon credits, or use too much of a resource they deem as “scarce”, you could be cut off, punished.
Your funds and access to basic necessities will be snatched away. Again, just like we see in China today.
But it'll be worse than China because China is just one country.
CBDCs will affect all countries that buy into the system. No escaping it!
Everyone Will Be Affected By It.
Everyone Will Be Affected By It.
If it is allowed to gain public acceptance in New Zealand, it won’t matter whether you’re a millionaire or someone struggling to make ends meet, we’ll all be in the same boat.
Your money, all of it, whatever you have, will be absorbed into the ecosystem and transferred into their control.
You won’t have a choice, none of us will.
That’s why we have to reject it now en masse before it can have a chance to get traction.
Whether you’re wealthy today or not, it won’t matter, this will affect us all.
Stuffing cash in a mattress, stocking up on gold bars, crypto, or storing up hordes of wealth in a property portfolio won’t make any difference, once CBDCs are here, it’s game over.
The best hope is get up to speed, know your options, and learn how fight it now before its to late.
Action Tracker: Abortion Law Reform
Action Tracker: Abortion Law Refrom
This Abortion Law Reform campaign is an ‘Action Tracker' project by Reality Check Radio. Action Tracker is a new initiative with the objective of keeping the government and industry accountable to the things they say and do.