Tama’s having an absolute shocker of a day, blaming everyone but himself for his troubles at Kiwi Farm. He used to be top pig, getting all the perks thanks to his close relationship with the previous leader, but now things are changing. Other animals are getting a fair share of the feed, and Tama’s not happy. When his friend Moana interviews him, she asks some tough questions about his role in all this, and Tama loses it. He goes on a rant about how he does what he wants, that he's always right, and anyone who disagrees is just wrong. Poor Moana’s left speechless, with her pencil literally dropping in shock.

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Tama’s having an absolute shocker of a day, blaming everyone but himself for his troubles at Kiwi Farm. He used to be top pig, getting all the perks thanks to his close relationship with the previous leader, but now things are changing. Other animals are getting a fair share of the feed, and Tama’s not happy. When his friend Moana interviews him, she asks some tough questions about his role in all this, and Tama loses it. He goes on a rant about how he does what he wants, that he's always right, and anyone who disagrees is just wrong. Poor Moana’s left speechless, with her pencil literally dropping in shock.

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