Don Nicolson and Jaspreet Boparai discuss climate change with scientist Ian McIntosh, B.App.Sci.Rur.Tech (Hons) who presents an alternative perspective. Ian contends that historical data, including sunspot records from the 1600s and temperature readings from 1659, demonstrate natural climate fluctuations predating the Industrial Revolution. He challenges the notion of significant human-induced warming by highlighting local temperature trends in Dunedin and Lincoln that differ from global averages, and advocates for the use of satellite data as a more accurate global measurement. he expresses concern about the fear-based narrative surrounding climate change, particularly its effect on children.

For more information, check out Ian's paper: Simple Evidence That Destroys The Despair Of The Climate Change Narrative

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Don Nicolson and Jaspreet Boparai discuss climate change with scientist Ian McIntosh, B.App.Sci.Rur.Tech (Hons) who presents an alternative perspective. Ian contends that historical data, including sunspot records from the 1600s and temperature readings from 1659, demonstrate natural climate fluctuations predating the Industrial Revolution. He challenges the notion of significant human-induced warming by highlighting local temperature trends in Dunedin and Lincoln that differ from global averages, and advocates for the use of satellite data as a more accurate global measurement. he expresses concern about the fear-based narrative surrounding climate change, particularly its effect on children.

For more information, check out Ian's paper: Simple Evidence That Destroys The Despair Of The Climate Change Narrative

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