Dieuwe De Boer and William McGimpsey examine the concept of “woke” and its application in the free speech space, as well as the escalating geopolitical tensions in the South Pacific region. They also discuss recent political developments in Germany, Romania, and New Zealand, including the influence of living under Communist tyranny on people's awareness of immigration and other issues. Lastly, they touch on the potential reopening of Marsden Point as a special economic zone in New Zealand, recent Law & Order changes made by the Government, and the importance of removing the grey area from citizen's arrests

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Dieuwe De Boer and William McGimpsey examine the concept of “woke” and its application in the free speech space, as well as the escalating geopolitical tensions in the South Pacific region. They also discuss recent political developments in Germany, Romania, and New Zealand, including the influence of living under Communist tyranny on people's awareness of immigration and other issues. Lastly, they touch on the potential reopening of Marsden Point as a special economic zone in New Zealand, recent Law & Order changes made by the Government, and the importance of removing the grey area from citizen's arrests

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