Maree Buscke, Let Kids Be Kids founder Penny Marie and Rodney Hide discuss the sexualization of children in schools, particularly Wakatipu High School, and the potential impact of explicit and graphic content in health curricula on young students. They also express concerns about the diminishing role of parents in children's lives, the systematic stripping away of a child's relationship with their parent, and the impact of current education on children's innocence and sense of security. 

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Maree Buscke, Let Kids Be Kids founder Penny Marie and Rodney Hide discuss the sexualization of children in schools, particularly Wakatipu High School, and the potential impact of explicit and graphic content in health curricula on young students. They also express concerns about the diminishing role of parents in children's lives, the systematic stripping away of a child's relationship with their parent, and the impact of current education on children's innocence and sense of security. 

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