John dialled on to chat with Paul about his business, Tross Publishing, to discuss why he has the most controversial publishing company in NZ, what that has meant for teachers and his readers. and why he wanted to support RCR as a strategic sponsor.

Tross Publishing is a controversial publisher, printing books with titles like – ‘Who Really Broke the Treaty', ‘In the Jaws of the Dragon – How China is Taking Over New Zealand' & ‘The Benefits of Colonisation, A Jab in the Dark' & ‘Global Warming: a Counter-Blaste to the Man Made Global Warming Hypothesis'.

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John dialled on to chat with Paul about his business, Tross Publishing, to discuss why he has the most controversial publishing company in NZ, what that has meant for teachers and his readers. and why he wanted to support RCR as a strategic sponsor.

Tross Publishing is a controversial publisher, printing books with titles like – ‘Who Really Broke the Treaty', ‘In the Jaws of the Dragon – How China is Taking Over New Zealand' & ‘The Benefits of Colonisation, A Jab in the Dark' & ‘Global Warming: a Counter-Blaste to the Man Made Global Warming Hypothesis'.

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