THE DIALOGUE: ERNST VAN ZYL: Head of Public Relations at AfriForum: Building State-Proof Solutions for Afrikaaners in SA

Head of Public Relations at AfriForum Ernst van Zyl joins Dieuwe to share how AfriForum is building state-proof solutions for the Afrikaaner people in the hostile political environment of South Africa.

More from Ernst:

His article on im1776: 

A Time to Dig Trenches

AfriForum website:


Documentary on YouTube: Selfbestuur : Staatsbestande oplossings vir die toekoms

Twitter: Conscious Caracal 

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THE DIALOGUE: ERNST VAN ZYL: Head of Public Relations at AfriForum: Building State-Proof Solutions for Afrikaaners in SA

Head of Public Relations at AfriForum Ernst van Zyl joins Dieuwe to share how AfriForum is building state-proof solutions for the Afrikaaner people in the hostile political environment of South Africa.

More from Ernst:

His article on im1776: 

A Time to Dig Trenches

AfriForum website:


Documentary on YouTube: Selfbestuur : Staatsbestande oplossings vir die toekoms

Twitter: Conscious Caracal 

If you liked this, you may also like:

RENE VAN DER VYVER: Spokesperson For ’AfriForum Youth’: On Anti-White Racism In South Africa And What People Are Trying To Do About It

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