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Last week I played some audio from a pro-freedom demonstration in London attended by tens of thousands of patriots, organised by Tommy Robinson. You heard the patriots jeering some of the most evil enemies of freedom on the planet: Beijing Biden, Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama, Queen Nancy Pelosi, Crooked Hillary Clinton…. One jeeree I forgot to mention: Ilhan Omar. One of the very worst. Gleefully evil, smug, self-righteous, insufferable

Gleefully evil. Does she remind you of someone?

Jacinda Ardern’s ‘two classes of citizens’?

More of that entity shortly. Have the barf bucket ready. And let me note in passing also that the Woke-Fascist elite are going after Tommy yet again, on the eve of an even YOOOOOGER demonstration by British patriots next month. Fortunately, by that time, Nigel Farage will be in Parliament. The true delivery of Brexit will have begun, reversing the Tories' betrayal thereof.

Omar is a Somali refugee who wears a Hijab in Congress and promotes anti-Semitism and the Green New Deal at every turn. Her best friend is, of course, Occasional Cortex. At one time Omar was married to her brother. At this time it's not known if she's a shoplifter as well, but she'd be right at home among our Green MPs. I wouldn't have thought she'd be that well known in Britain, but when her image went up in Parliament Square, so did the jeering.

All over the Western world, it seems, people recognise so-called refugees whose mission is to turn their host nations into the shithole countries they ostensibly fled from. They're here. I was once told by some Somalis that, as a gay atheist, I should, strictly speaking, be executed, but they wouldn't push it for now. Just as well I'm not Jewish as well! 

That was years ago; right now, as you know, we're seeing Intifada billboards popping up in our streets as Ham Ass jihadis run rampant. I'm the first to say, I disagree with what you say but defend to the death your right to say it. But: do these Ham Ass posters go beyond that and incite violence?

Here's the Free Speech Union's David Cumin.

To me …  the term intifada is inseparable from violent uprising and terrorism; it is an extreme term. Personally, I find the posters repugnant and promulgating a despicable sentiment. BUT! I think it is, and should be, legal. At the Free Speech Union, we have always been very clear: incitement to violence is not protected by free speech. In fact, we have only ever insisted that violence is the antithesis of free speech, because free speech is about reason and dialogue, the opposite of us imposing ourselves on each other. …

The legal test is ‘imminent lawless action’, where a speaker is imminently likely to take violent action. These billboards don’t reach that threshold; but they flirt with violence being the answer to this issue. It’s not in spite of that fact that I think these billboards should be allowed; it’s because of that. If there are people around us who think a violent ‘shaking off’ is a solution, I would rather know, so that I can continue my work to build dialogue, respect, and peace. …

Something like incitement to violence and imminent lawlessness are bright, clear standards. Other than that, I’m convinced that choosing to deal with the harm of words through censorship is a cure worse than the disease. I hope all the groups and individuals who were championing “hate speech” laws speak in clear condemnatory terms against the message of violence being spread by the current posters (here’s looking at you, Human Rights Commission). Counter-speech must be the answer to harmful words. If they don’t speak out (though not trying to silence them) then add them to the list of hypocrites and continue to be extra-wary of them pushing for the legislation. As free speech advocates, we have to stand up for the right of others to say things we despise.

Yes indeed, with these additional observations from me: 1)  A private company is under no obligation to provide a platform for those it despises. 2) Taxpayer-funded entities must be open to all who do not advocate violence, no matter who despises them. 3) The Human Wrongs Commissariat is dedicated to the destruction of free speech and should be abolished. Here's looking at you, David Seymour. 

I'd like to see what would happen if some inconceivably brave pro-freedom group were to organise a Mohammed cartoon competition. I'd be curious to know whether the Free Speech Union would uphold the organisers' right to do so. That would really test what I often suspect is controlled opposition. It's easy in these Woke-Fascist times to defend the free speech of Ham Ass billboard creators; it would be another thing entirely to offend and trigger Ham Ass billboard creators with a Mohammed cartoon competition. Here's looking at you, Free Speech Union.

And so, finally, to the gleefully evil anti-free-speech entity I cited earlier. Quoting from the New Zealand Ferald from 2 days ago — and have that barf bucket ready:

Former Prime Minister Dame Jacinda Ardern has been named as the new leader of a project designed to “challenge and change” the status quo of politics. Ardern will lead the Field Fellowship, a new programme for emerging leaders, where she hopes to “rehumanise leadership” and “bring more hope and optimism into politics”.

Rehumanise leadership? The preening narcissist who dehumanised it in the first place? The lying power-crazed grotesquery who mandated so-called vaccines that were unsafe, ineffective and in some cases lethal, that still give us excess deaths and the sudden deaths of healthy young athletes?

That is rehumanising? Empathetic and kind??!!


Back to the Ferald:

The programme will connect and support those that embrace an alternative form of leadership.

Translation: The programme will connect and support those who embrace Woke-Fascist tyranny.


The programme is run by the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund, a nonpartisan policy and advocacy organisation based in Washington DC.

Translation: The programme is run by one of George Soros' proxies… If it isn't, how would you know? Well, let's take a look:

Oh, whaddaya know? Home page is all Trump Derangement Syndrome and Transnazi propaganda. Soros must be around here somewhere. Let's go to the donor page:

In 2022, the Center for American Progress received more than 97 percent of its charitable contributions from individuals and foundations. Corporate funding comprised less than 3 percent of the budget, and foreign government funding comprised less than 0.5 percent.

Our policy work is independent and driven by solutions that we believe will create a more equitable and just country. Corporate donors are not permitted to remain anonymous, and corporate donations do not fund new research.

$1,000,000 or more

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Oh dear! Woke-Fascist Bloomberg already!

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Faecesbook Woke-Fascist Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. I can definitely feel Soros coming on!

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Warmer and warmer! Mr and Mrs “Let them eat bugs!” And that must be the same Mrs Gates who already gave Jacinda Jackboot $20m to “distribute to charitable organisations they consider to be doing urgent, impactful, and innovative work to improve women's health and well-being in the US and around the world”.

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

No surprises there.  A few more foundations. But no Soros. Let's scroll down a bit.

$100,000 to $499,999

Whoa! Bolshevik Bezos! But still no Soros?

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Climate Imperative

ClimateWorks Foundation

Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Microsoft Corporation

Open Society Foundations

BINGO! Soros! Under half a million though! Skinflint Soros!

Overall, A Who's Who of Evil! Amazing that Pfizer isn't there.

Back to the NZ Ferald:

In a statement, the organisation said it would connect those who embraced leadership that centred on “pragmatic idealism” and who drew on the “strength of kindness and empathy to develop and build public support for progressive policy solutions to complex problems”.

Translation: In a statement, the organisation spewed bullshit cliches about kindness to conceal its malevolent totalitarian intent.



Tuesday’s announcement follows news in May that Ardern would remain a key figure in New Zealand’s efforts to reduce online extremist content as part of the newly created Christchurch Call Foundation. The foundation was announced by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and French President Emmanuel Macron and outlined how it would continue addressing the kind of harmful content that led to the deadly 2019 mosque shootings in Christchurch. Ardern’s new role within the foundation was as Patron of the Call.

Translation: Damn Jabby Jacinda Jackboot's War on Free Speech proceeds unabated… and Christopher Luxon is in on it. The Davos Diabolists still rule after all.

Ironically, one of the most delightfully and justly vitriolic denunciations of Jackboot's latest atrocity comes from Michael Laws. I say ironically, because he did it from the Pfizer Pflatform, which denounces  anti-mandaters as nutters and cookers! That is the Pfizer Pflatform's pfatal pflaw! 

In any event, the Davos Diabolists continue to come after all our freedoms in all countries that remain relatively free in spite of them. We must double down in fighting back. Not to put too fine a point on it: Davos Diabolists — piss off!!

I Vow to Thee

Our Contributor

Lindsay Perigo
Lindsay Perigo is a New Zealand broadcaster, author and commentator, once hailed by Metro magazine as “the doyen of political interviewers.” He infamously walked out of Television New Zealand in 1993, calling its news and current affairs “braindead.” Lindsay contributes to the Breakfast programme with Perigo's Perspective on Thursday mornings.

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